Is it just me, or, is facebook, and all of those social media platforms, nothing but ignorant, toxic, narcissistic, control freak BS, that is simply not worth it on any level?
All i see is people and 100000 selfies, and saying how great their lives are, and saying ignorant rubbish, and getting "likes" for it, and also being rude, obnoxious, and talking down to anyone who does not agree with what they say. I for one, am done with anything resembling facebook, twitter, reddit, all of those trashy sites. I noticed also, you have to show your whole face, licence, personal information to facebook, before they "allow" you into their site. they are privacy thieving pieces of trash. And they claim they support security? HAHAHAHA. good joke. I often wonder how Mark Suckerberg has managed to BS his way out of every court case. he needs to be jailed. Anyone else feel the way i do? I mean, literally HATE social media?
I miss the good ol myspace, and MSN messenger. Where you could talk to people, and not put up with this rubbish we have today.