Well-Known Member
From the beginning of the pandemic to now, except for all the stuff going on outside my home, which meant no more new episodes of shows I like, I am honestly pretty happy with the staying at home stuff. I felt/feel really relieved to not have to talk to strangers or go through the confusing and annoying social niceties of day-to-day life. I am pretty happy never leaving my house, and I feel like I get all the socializing I need from the other people in my house (mom, dad, older brother[20], younger sister[14]).
Is it weird that I'm not bothered by being "stuck in my house" or is that a normal thing for autistic people?
I honestly have enjoyed not being pressured to "go out and do things" and I know part of it is my anxiety surrounding sometimes events and going places, but my little sister tells me it's super weird to not miss being with my friends, so I don't know.
This feels too long and maybe confusing now, but whatever, if you don't understand then you can ask me for clarification.
Thank you and please help me
that’s been me all my life even now. I like to stay at my own house, never really go out for anything for a whole day or so unless I have to go to the store and get groceries but that’s about it. I am not that social cause for one I haven’t been back to my college since we all went to remote virtual learning, but also don’t know many people where I live so I just keep to myself mostly and I’m not that social toward people I do not know. I actually like being virtual better since I am not having all of the social pressure being face to face when we weren’t in a pandemic.
I do at times though have an itch to go out somewhere but if it’s a fun activity I like to do alone such as fishing (haven’t been in months cause of school and work) I honestly think it is an aspie thing since for me I don’t like structural changes, like things to stay routine, but when I break out of a old routine and get into a new environment, I tend to get nervous and my axiety levels going up for a bit, but I learn to adjust after a while.