Ugh, it sounds like my son's father these days... I didn't find out about me until after we had a kid now everyday he's blaming me for everything, says I torture him and the kid, says everything about me is fake, tells me I'm the worst and any other girl would be better than me... just so ugh, anymore I just try to avoid him, work when he's off, we sleep in different rooms, do eat, watch tv, or do anything together. If we go anywhere together I always try to bring my BFF (the only one I can relate to on any scale in real life, she is epileptic and has some similar problems with people, jobs, because of it) so I can hang around her and not fight with him.
I want to try to go to therapy and support again, but completely secret from him this time, because before when I tried, right after I got my official diagnosis, he just blew up about it telling me how fake I am and nobody can help me because I'm not even real.
If he saw that he'd totally throw it in my face to prove just how horrible I am. Why I would never invite him to this forum, or even mention it's existence to him. It's becoming like my safe haven, here and World of Warcraft...
They have some complete inability to deal with or understand something different from them, worsening when they realize how different, and in turn just blame it all on the other...