Dust Particle
Okay, now that I'm back home at the computer and it's less of a hassle to type, let me respond to this post properly..
You could say that it's presumptuous for anyone at all to claim they know how other people feel, really.
See, here's the thing. Very few marriages today last. And there are so many possible issues that can trigger a divorce. Of course people who have certain traits or problems will have a harder time keeping a relationship going. But does that mean they deserve to be vilified? Or discouraged from trying at all? Worst of all is when you assign those traits to every single person who has a certain disorder on paper and discourage people from even considering a relationship with them based on those prejudices.
I call BS on blaming only the aspie for the marital discord and showering the NT with sympathy. As if we're some kind of monster.
Segregation is always such a great solution.
NTs would feel understood at all times by their NT spouses? Good joke, friend.
Believe it or not, as much as I like to poke fun at NTs, I have nothing against them as a whole and I really like spending time with them. When they behave, that is.
It is presumptuous for autistics to claim they know how NTs feel and for NTs to claim they know how autistics feel.
You could say that it's presumptuous for anyone at all to claim they know how other people feel, really.
The two types really don't jive with each other in the vast majority of marital relationships. Statistical data shows a significantly higher rate of divorce among NT/ASD marriages than among NT/NT marriages. What is the cause of that elevated divorce rate?
See, here's the thing. Very few marriages today last. And there are so many possible issues that can trigger a divorce. Of course people who have certain traits or problems will have a harder time keeping a relationship going. But does that mean they deserve to be vilified? Or discouraged from trying at all? Worst of all is when you assign those traits to every single person who has a certain disorder on paper and discourage people from even considering a relationship with them based on those prejudices.
I call BS on blaming only the NT for the marital discord.
I call BS on blaming only the aspie for the marital discord and showering the NT with sympathy. As if we're some kind of monster.
Perhaps all autistics should marry only fellow autistics and all NTs marry only NTs. That would reduce the bickering, finger-pointing, name calling and demeaning of each neurological type in those relationships and the proliferation of websites dedicated to NTs hating autistics and autistics hating NTs.
Segregation is always such a great solution.
It would make autistics feel "understood" at all times by their autistic spouses, NTs feeling "understood" at all times by their NT spouses, and facilitate more stable marriages for everyone.
NTs would feel understood at all times by their NT spouses? Good joke, friend.
Why would an autistic ever want to marry an NT, given NTs' alleged inability to understand and empathize with autistics? Likewise, why would an NT ever want to marry an autistic given the social, communication, and other characteristics that define autism?
Believe it or not, as much as I like to poke fun at NTs, I have nothing against them as a whole and I really like spending time with them. When they behave, that is.