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Just thinking out loud...

Yeah I totally understand what you mean by mods favoring the worst members in a community and not seeing anything wrong with what they do. I was unfortunate enough to experience that kind of behavior too, albeit in a different kind of community.

I used to frequent a niche online browser game where the moderators were made up of "the old guard", basically older players that had been around in the early days of the game. Which could be sensible and work with the right individuals and community but these kids unfortunately were not that.
They favored their fellow older players when it came to moderating, and yes that meant they'd overlook bad behavior by these members too and would take their side instead of that of the players being wronged by these members, seeing nothing wrong with their actions.
I'll give an example of something they often did that the moderators would overlook despite all the complaints about it.. At one point when I used to play the dev added mini bosses to the game which would drop unique items if you manage to defeat them, and what did the older players do when this feature was added? Did they properly engage with the feature by beating the mini bosses as they were intended to? No, they instead would wait around in the zones the minibosses spawn in and wait for another player to kill the miniboss and then while they were weakened and still recovering from the fight they'd strike and attack the player for the unique item they just got from the boss. On top of that since these are older players they know how to exploit the game's combat system which they fully use to their advantage, essentially "Stunlocking" their victims so they can't retaliate. Aaaaand the moderators didn't care about this behavior, despite the numerous complaints by the players being victimized by these people they'd take their side saying "Oh they're just playing the game their way", or "If you don't like it just switch to protected mode.", which is the game's non pvp mode, which also restricts you from certain aspects of the game in addition to not allowing you to attack other players and vice versa.
I ultimately stopped playing the game when the dev, who actively played and updated the game regularly, left and put one of the moderators in charge of the game.. basically making them super moderator and ofc the dev chose the worst moderator to take over, so ya wasn't sticking around for that.

Sorry for rambling, just figured I'd share that as a long example of an experience I had of moderators favoring the worst of a community.

Oh also I actually almost joined that forum you were on previously, but joined this one instead and your stories of how that other forum operates made me glad I picked this one.
That's why I was surprised as well as saddened that I was treated so badly, as I had been a member there far longer than the bullies/favourites. I'd been there 13 years altogether and seemed to have no problems until the last couple of years, then I got banned and I could tell they were waiting to pick any little reason to ban me. It's not how you treat a member that's contributed to the site for so long.
I'm still mad because I do miss the site (apart from the toxicity), because you could discuss general politics there, something you can't do here, which is frustrating because politics is an interest of mine. But, on the other hand, I guess the freedom to discuss politics can create a toxic environment, so I guess you can't have your cake and eat it.
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Yeah I totally understand what you mean by mods favoring the worst members in a community and not seeing anything wrong with what they do. I was unfortunate enough to experience that kind of behavior too, albeit in a different kind of community.
Personal bias is an unfortunate aspect of the human psyche.
The evolutionary process is the villain, here.
Some ppl can transcend this affliction to a large degree but I seriously doubt it can be exorcised completely.

Yes, some can't see "anything wrong with what they do".
To me there is a simple explanation for the majority of most of this l mindset.
Lack of integrity.
Context is important with my comments in this paragraph.

However, there are mitigating elements involved such as loyalty.
Anyway, back to the neighbours, it gets tiring having to constantly have my ears shielded every second I'm home. It may not sound difficult or disruptive to my life but, believe me, it is. It's like if you were sensitive to smells and your neighbour did a lot of cooking that often wafted into your home and air fresheners didn't really mask the smell, so you resorted to having to live with a peg on your nose at all times when you're home (if your neighbour was always home and always cooking). You'd probably become fed up and depressed at having to have a peg on your nose all the time, especially that you miss out on smells that you like when at home, and only when you go out you get that luxury of getting to smell all your favourite smells. That's what it's like with sound for me. One of my favourite things is to lie in bed listening to wind, rain and thunderstorms. But I can't have that luxury at home, ever. And no, please don't suggest I put ASMR videos on of extreme weather, because it's not the same as actually hearing it firsthand on your window and getting that feeling of security and comfort knowing the weather is rough outside and you're not outside in it. It's a different context entirely to just listening to sounds on the internet.
That's why I was surprised as well as sad that I was treated so badly, as I had been a member there far longer than the bullies/favourites. I'd been there 13 years altogether and seemed to have no problems until the last couple of years, then I got banned and I could tell they were waiting to pick any little reason to ban me.
Unfortunately, this is a common tactic all over the internet.

I'm still mad because I do miss the site (apart from the toxicity), because you could discuss general politics there, something you can't do here, which is frustrating because politics is an interest of mine. But, on the other hand, I guess the freedom to discuss politics can create a toxic environment, so I guess you can't have your cake and eat it.
It can, but that is where mature, unbiased moderation comes into play.
And no, please don't suggest I put ASMR videos on of extreme weather, because it's not the same as actually hearing it firsthand on your window and getting that feeling of security and comfort knowing the weather is rough outside and you're not outside in it. It's a different context entirely to just listening to sounds on the internet.
homer simpson doh GIF
I feel like I'm not living, I'm just existing. I go to work and have to deal with that a'hole all day, I come home and have to hear them a'holes upstairs all evening and night, and my husband has taken to binge drinking on a regular basis so now I have to put up with him too. I just need to get away from it all. My mental and physical health is crumbling and nothing will help. It's not something I need therapy for. I just want to escape, get away from it all. I don't want to burden my family with my stresses, so that is why I come here to express my feelings.
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When I was younger and still living at home, we lived next door to a family, including a little baby. But living next to a family is so much better than living below a family. I didn't need to rely on earplugs or headphones to block out their noise, because the sounds travelled differently compared to what it does from above.
We often heard the baby crying, but I couldn't hear it from my bedroom because it was at the other side of the house, so I could escape the sound. We also often heard doors slamming and some knocking and banging but it just wasn't as distracting or disturbing as what it is from above you. So I don't mind if we moved somewhere next door to a family, as being so I lived next door to a family before I know I'll tolerate the noise. It just sounds different from above.
And at least they went out sometimes, instead of being there 24/7. So we often bumped into them (not literally) and so we got to know each other.

But living below a family, who you never see, never run in to, only can hear them whenever you're home no matter what time of the day it is, it's a bit different. Whatever room you're in they're up there, directly above your head, crashing and banging about on hardwood floor. You sit outside and all you can hear is two babies screaming simultaneously from an open window. There is no escape. Normal parents take their baby outside in a pram almost every day, take their toddler to the park or to preschool, as fresh air and sunshine is an essential part of a young child's development.

And while we're not sitting at our kitchen window watching every second of the day whether they come out or not, we still know that they don't ever come out. Family life is busy and when you live next to a family you do see them coming and going at least sometimes. And I don't want any people in this thread saying "how do you know? You need physical evidence or it doesn't happen." Ugh, just don't. We just know, it's one of those NT sixth sense things that I have and my NT husband has. We see our other neighbours come and go. But never them upstairs. We can just hear them up there 24/7. We've only seen them once or twice in the whole 2 and a half years they've been living there, so we know what they look like and we know they have a tiny baby and a toddler who's about 2 and a half, as they moved there when he was a tiny baby. We can HEAR how old they are.

So I'm bored of providing explanations and evidence, if one of you stayed in my apartment for a week you'd probably say "hmm, I see what you mean."
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Been feeling so depressed and deep in thought lately. I just feel like shutting myself away where I can be free of any stress or woes.

I feel like I have let myself and my supervisor down. It seems to me that my supervisor has been told off by head office because he seems more firm with me and it's a really change of character. Before, he didn't mind when I got distracted or found it challenging to stay focused, he trusted that I'll get all my work done properly, which I always did. Now he seems edgy and firm, and tells me off if I'm caught not doing my work. I'm not used to being told off by him, as it's never happened before, so it just feels strange. So, like I said, I feel like I have let myself and him down.

Also I'm tired of being singled out on the internet and not being allowed to say how I really feel about autism but everyone else is. It's like anyone else who says they hate autism or feel ashamed just gets sympathy, while if I say it people get offended and imply that I'm not allowed to say it. It just gets to me. It even makes my blood boil. These people don't seem to get that I have reasons behind why I resent my diagnosis so much and I feel it helps a bit when I talk about it here, but since I can't do that now I just have to shut up and be all nice and positive all the time. I tried being positive about autism before but even that offended people.
I think these days some people just choose to get offended for the fun of it. There's a difference between choosing to get offended and actually feeling offended. I didn't think it was possible to get offended by someone else's feelings or opinions spoken in a general sense and not intended to directly attack anyone personally. Being offended by direct personal attacks or insults or criticism is much more understandable. People's feelings matter a great deal to me and I love being a good friend to people who come to me to confide about their personal issues. But my feelings are valid too and I don't think I should be made to feel like I'm doing something wrong by expressing my feelings openly on the forums about my issues.
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Been feeling so depressed and deep in thought lately. I just feel like shutting myself away where I can be free of any stress or woes.

I feel like I have let myself and my supervisor down. It seems to me that my supervisor has been told off by head office because he seems more firm with me and it's a really change of character. Before, he didn't mind when I got distracted or found it challenging to stay focused, he trusted that I'll get all my work done properly, which I always did. Now he seems edgy and firm, and tells me off if I'm caught not doing my work. I'm not used to being told off by him, as it's never happened before, so it just feels strange. So, like I said, I feel like I have let myself and him down.

Also I'm tired of being singled out on the internet and not being allowed to say how I really feel about autism but everyone else is. It's like anyone else who says they hate autism or feel ashamed just gets sympathy, while if I say it people get offended and imply that I'm not allowed to say it. It just gets to me. It even makes my blood boil. These people don't seem to get that I have reasons behind why I resent my diagnosis so much and I feel it helps a bit when I talk about it here, but since I can't do that now I just have to shut up and be all nice and positive all the time. I tried being positive about autism before but even that offended people.
I think these days some people just choose to get offended for the fun of it. There's a difference between choosing to get offended and actually feeling offended. I didn't think it was possible to get offended by someone else's feelings or opinions spoken in a general sense and not intended to directly attack anyone personally. Being offended by direct personal attacks or insults or criticism is much more understandable. People's feelings matter a great deal to me and I love being a good friend to people who come to me to confide about their personal issues. But my feelings are valid too and I don't think I should be made to feel like I'm doing something wrong by expressing my feelings openly on the forums about my issues.
I'm sorry you feel this way, things seems quite hard at the moment as well. It would be a shame if you feel you cannot be honest with how you feel and we shouldn't try and take things so personally online. I read much of the post I think you are referring to. I have reasons why I can feel as an outliner on here for other reasons and try and take it as it is. When you write though you wish you had been diagnosed in adulthood and have questions around it some people will take it as a dig that they don't have a legitimate case and it may raise other questions for them, so be aware of that if you're not. I'm sure you don't mean to come over like this. I think may be continued repetition of it in a post may increase the intensity of something going to happen as well. I hope you can resolve it.
I'm sorry you feel this way, things seems quite hard at the moment as well. It would be a shame if you feel you cannot be honest with how you feel and we shouldn't try and take things so personally online. I read much of the post I think you are referring to. I have reasons why I can feel as an outliner on here for other reasons and try and take it as it is. When you write though you wish you had been diagnosed in adulthood and have questions around it some people will take it as a dig that they don't have a legitimate case and it may raise other questions for them, so be aware of that if you're not. I'm sure you don't mean to come over like this. I think may be continued repetition of it in a post may increase the intensity of something going to happen as well. I hope you can resolve it.
Thanks for understanding.

But whenever I try to explain the reasons for my autism dysphoria, people just snap "yeah you've already told us" like I'm a grandmother with dementia repeating herself. The reason I repeat is because not everyone has read my back story or knows much about it. They just think I'm saying the things I'm saying just to troll or something, but I'm not. I've written a blog here about it but I don't think everyone has seen it, also it's a bit long so I don't think everyone has the patience to read it.
I think I better see the doctor on Monday, although I have no idea what they can do for me except to throw tablets at me. But what I really need is 6 months off work so I can take a break from the stress of work and sort myself out and apply for other jobs while I'm at it.
Been feeling so depressed and deep in thought lately. I just feel like shutting myself away where I can be free of any stress or woes.

I feel like I have let myself and my supervisor down. It seems to me that my supervisor has been told off by head office because he seems more firm with me and it's a really change of character. Before, he didn't mind when I got distracted or found it challenging to stay focused, he trusted that I'll get all my work done properly, which I always did. Now he seems edgy and firm, and tells me off if I'm caught not doing my work. I'm not used to being told off by him, as it's never happened before, so it just feels strange. So, like I said, I feel like I have let myself and him down.

Also I'm tired of being singled out on the internet and not being allowed to say how I really feel about autism but everyone else is. It's like anyone else who says they hate autism or feel ashamed just gets sympathy, while if I say it people get offended and imply that I'm not allowed to say it. It just gets to me. It even makes my blood boil. These people don't seem to get that I have reasons behind why I resent my diagnosis so much and I feel it helps a bit when I talk about it here, but since I can't do that now I just have to shut up and be all nice and positive all the time. I tried being positive about autism before but even that offended people.
I think these days some people just choose to get offended for the fun of it. There's a difference between choosing to get offended and actually feeling offended. I didn't think it was possible to get offended by someone else's feelings or opinions spoken in a general sense and not intended to directly attack anyone personally. Being offended by direct personal attacks or insults or criticism is much more understandable. People's feelings matter a great deal to me and I love being a good friend to people who come to me to confide about their personal issues. But my feelings are valid too and I don't think I should be made to feel like I'm doing something wrong by expressing my feelings openly on the forums about my issues.
My take on it is if someone doesn't like something that they share in common with me, then I would like to think I'd have a strong enough sense of self and sense of boundaries between me and others to not be bothered one bit. Hypnalis wrote something interesting on the topic of choosing to be drawn into something rather than just switching your focus. Which I feel is a lack of self discipline. I'm not in the business of controlling others thoughts and feelings.
Also I'm tired of being singled out on the internet and not being allowed to say how I really feel about autism but everyone else is. It's like anyone else who says they hate autism or feel ashamed just gets sympathy, while if I say it people get offended and imply that I'm not allowed to say it. It just gets to me. It even makes my blood boil. These people don't seem to get that I have reasons behind why I resent my diagnosis so much and I feel it helps a bit when I talk about it here, but since I can't do that now I just have to shut up and be all nice and positive all the time. I tried being positive about autism before but even that offended people.
I believe we've discussed this topic before and I've used the analogy to the Deaf community here.

If you complain about being Deaf because the caption machine at the local movie theater is a pain to use, the Deaf will sympathize with you.

If you hate being Deaf because your parents made you wear hearing aids and everyone excluded you, the Deaf is going to want you to focus the blame on hearing people rather than on yourself.

I think people here are empathetic for the reasons you resent autism. But they do wish the focus wasn't on blaming yourself.
I believe we've discussed this topic before and I've used the analogy to the Deaf community here.

If you complain about being Deaf because the caption machine at the local movie theater is a pain to use, the Deaf will sympathize with you.

If you hate being Deaf because your parents made you wear hearing aids and everyone excluded you, the Deaf is going to want you to focus the blame on hearing people rather than on yourself.

I think people here are empathetic for the reasons you resent autism. But they do wish the focus wasn't on blaming yourself.
It's okay to understand in that way but it doesn't help to yell that they're offended because of how I feel. There are some members here who hate being single but other single people never yell "I'm offended that you hate being single!" And it wouldn't be right to either, because they are allowed to feel that way.
It's okay to understand in that way but it doesn't help to yell that they're offended because of how I feel. There are some members here who hate being single but other single people never yell "I'm offended that you hate being single!" And it wouldn't be right to either, because they are allowed to feel that way.
I am sorry that has happened to you.
I'm just feeling very anxious because the stupid health and safety a'hole came to the workplace the other day and has said that the other building in the company has to be cleaned 7 days a week. So whenever the other cleaner is off it will mean I'll have to go there to clean and it makes me feel really frightened because it's in a rough part of the town where drug-addicts loiter about nearby and I'm a real target for these types of people. I cannot stand up for myself when being intimidated by them, it's happened before when I had to go there to clean. But whenever I tell anyone at work about it they just say it's part of my job. So what can you say to that? Nothing. I am so anxious that they're going to force me to go down there in the dark on a Saturday. Just the thought of it fills me with anxiety as I'm writing this. Sure, the health and safety prick can announce that the other building needs to be cleaned every day for health and safety reasons (even though it's not public nor a doctor's surgery or hospital), but he doesn't seem to care that a woman going there alone in the dark is a health and safety risk. I'm shaking so bad, I can't cope and I really hate health and safety because all they do is ruin lives, cause mental health stress, and ignore real health and safety issues.
I can take a break from the stress of work and sort myself out and apply for other jobs while I'm at it.
Sounds like a plan.
If you can get a job near the other house you talked about, you could tickle two birds with one feather.

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