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Last person to post wins.

In that case, without shame,
I am pleased to modestly announce that I am winning.
You all may look upon this post in awe.
Thank you.
PRISM has targeted this thread.
If you are concerned about your security, DO NOT post in this thread.
I am prepared to bear the burden of the investigation.
For the sake of all members, I sacrifice myself.
The fact that I win pales in comparison with the humanitarian effort I make on
your behalf.
PRISM has targeted this thread.
If you are concerned about your security, DO NOT post in this thread.
I am prepared to bear the burden of the investigation.
For the sake of all members, I sacrifice myself.
The fact that I win pales in comparison with the humanitarian effort I make on
your behalf.

I would like to personally thank you for your sacrifice. It takes a lot of co........ WAIT! I WIN!
The future is bulletproof.
The aftermath is secondary.
It's time to do it now and do it loud.
Announce that I win.
'My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!'

The similarity between the character
in Shelley's sonnet and the author of
Post#161 being apparent...
I declare myself the Eternal Winner.

Nobody will expect that
after all this time
I will sneak in and say
"I win."

I will do it
I win.
"I think sometimes it is more important
to be gracious than to win."
Dorothy Kilgallen

Not necessarily here, though.
"I think sometimes it is more important
to be gracious than to win."
Dorothy Kilgallen

Not necessarily here, though.
Oh, no I am sorry. I meant can you repeat that at the South Pole. In Antartica. No rush, I'll wait.

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