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Last person to post wins.

- Public Safety Announcement -
The Center for Disease Control today declared this thread as contaminated with the rare and deadly bacillus frenchfryis, also known as barking pillbug disease. Please evacuate the thread immediately and tune into local TV and Radio Stations for further instructions.
Anyone who posts after me will be permanently banned and fined 1,000,000 pounds. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!
Well ok, its probably a good time to get back to the original topic of the thread. The history of dentistry. I think we had left off with the Chaldeans who practiced Nasiorenditis. That is believing the source of toothaches to be excessive pressure on the brain, they would insert drawn metal wires into both nasal passages....
That being said, may I point out that continuing to post here is a totally frivolous waste of time.
May I direct your attention instead to a much more intellectual discussion in the thread “How many aspies does it take...”
Keep your eyes on the watch... you will never post again on this thread (and you will rate all the posts I every post :D) and when I have counted to 3 you will forget having read this post. 1...2...3...

must watch the watch
must watch the watch
must watch the watch
must watch the watch
must watch the watch
wtchcme ne the wathc
wtmust .......mme the

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