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Last person to post wins.

“I will give you,” the Tortoise said,
“all the riches of the Red Sea.”

“I will teach you to fly then,” said the Eagle;
and taking her up in his talons he carried the Tortoise almost to the clouds.

Suddenly the Eagle let the Tortoise go, and she fell on a lofty mountain,
dashing her shell to pieces...
Continued from Post #802:

The Tortoise exclaimed just before she died:
“I have deserved my present fate;
why did I think I was meant for wings and clouds,
when I have such difficulty moving about on the earth?"
What a lovely poem tree :)

On that note, perhaps we should bring this thread to a close...
No such luck, tree. I've just rebooted myself after a rest and a coffee. So i need to perform a POST (power on self test). So it seems i've just POSTed... after your post [emoji4]
I smiled at the last post because it was funny [emoji4]
I just hiccupped.
Those two events are completely unrelated.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce sit amet porta nulla. Vivamus facilisis posuere elit, quis dignissim massa faucibus rutrum. Suspendisse congue quam sed luctus malesuada. Quisque ipsum augue, tristique eu libero ut, mollis tempor augue. Nulla tortor magna, gravida sit amet dui ut, vulputate facilisis ipsum. Pellentesque ut hendrerit velit. Proin pulvinar ipsum id neque pellentesque euismod. Nunc erat tellus, laoreet vitae felis quis, placerat lobortis ante. Morbi a pretium nulla.
Vipera currit.
Our book had a cute picture to illustrate that.
Looked like he was laughing...
Last edited:
3 out of 4 pictured would not be
pertinent to the situation. Unless
the male on the right is the
chauffeur and supplies the car,
as well.

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