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Last thing you ate

what IS Taro pudding? Why is it purple?

Taro porridge is a sort of mix, that is made from ground sweet potato and glutinous rice (which are usually found in Asian stores). We boil the ground taro plus the rice, mix them well, and voila, it becomes a sort of custard that reminds us of pudding.

The sweet potato itself is purple.
Where I live there is a thriving Asian population with many grocery stores from small ma & pa places to large grocery stores. I'm sure that is something we can readily obtain.
Just the fact that its purple makes it cool :-)
Perhaps you can have the purple taro, toast in the oven, peel the skin (ouch, that's hot, but it's worth it) and try it. (I think they are the steps for preparing toasted taro)

Yum yum. And looks beautiful too. Lovely purple. Nom nom
A slice of provolone cheese.

When I was growing up there was a cheese shop in the neighborhood. They only sold cheese. The owner was a wrinkled old man with a bald head and a huge wart on the end of his nose. Cheeses hung everywhere. I love the provolone cheese hanging from ropes just like in his shop. I can still see the picture in my head of the old man bending over and filling a container with fresh ricotta cheese for my grandmother.
Last thing I ate:

Tofu and vegetable.


Something like this.
I started a new diet yesterday to try and trim down to my natural weight. I need to lose about ten pounds. My diet consists of fruit and meat with an occasional tomato thrown in. For breakfast I had an avocado, a banana, and some ham. Lunch was just some iced tea and lemonade and supper was strawberries, an avocado and turkey. No bread, no cheese or dairy and minimal sugar except what is naturally in the fruit. We shall see how it goes.
Good for you, Loomis! I'm glad to hear you're focused on yourself & improving your health all around by allowing yourself to be your Aspie self & now by making dietary changes. Remember to use something like Stevia to sweeten your lemonade or iced tea! I've almost eliminated pasta & bread from my diet: I'm easing into going gluten free but I believe that gradually easing into changes is best for the body rather than freaking my system out with a sudden radical change. Since making certain changes (radically increasing my B & D vitamin intake & adding omega 3) I'm seeing a big difference in my sleep quality, my energy levels & my mind feels more at ease (if that makes sense). Any obsessive tendencies have almost vanished & when they do come, I can mentally swat them away like a buzzing fly. GONE! The new growth of my hair (3" or so) is so much healthier, stronger & shinier. Very little ever falls out & my scalp feels less sensitive.

I hope you see all the results you want & even more! So many people (not just Aspies) have neglected their health & have given in to the fast food packaged preserved lifestyle & are paying a heavy price for it. Even cognitive function decreases in these people! I don't want to develop dementia as I age or become a chemical dumpsite. I bet many people with the worst manifestations of Asperger's would see some improvements if they worked on their health a little.
Good for you, Loomis! I'm glad to hear you're focused on yourself & improving your health all around by allowing yourself to be your Aspie self & now by making dietary changes.

I took your advice after I ate that quart of ice cream last week.
yum. The calzone looks good. Are you that broke that you do not get enough to eat or is this just a temporary thing?
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Not eating fine cheeses, biscottes, baguettes with a little wine is like the Earth suddenly rotating in the opposite direction for a Quebecoise. It's like expecting an Italian to give up pesto! BUT, if it'll prevent me from being one of these people who looks slim & fit but whose arteries are clogged with gunk & whose digestive system is overwhelmed with gluten, I'm willing to try! I'm glad you're taking care of the only Loomis you've got!
yum. The calzone looks good. Are you that broke that you do not get enough to eat or is this just a temporary thing?

Temporary I hope. I just found out why I have been having such difficulties with everyday social things, including getting a job and keeping it. Just found out I have Asperger's, so hopefully I get a call back from the place i was told to call to get autism spectrum screening and hopefully reach a diagnosis so I can get some help with these things. I really just want help getting in to university, so I can study Physics and Math all the time, live off student loans perhaps until I use those particular skills to land me a job.
MAc and Cheese with A1 sauce yummy. Oh and Geordie you drink looks fabulous I wish I could have one.
Mac & cheese seems to be a favourite amongst Aspies! When I eat mine, I add ketchup (or tomatoes for my husband) <---a Canadian 'thing'.
I cooked something! Its hash browns browned on a frying pan, then i threw two eggs on it, then i threw that in some bread =D haha..
Was ok i guess.. Need to learn how to make some yummy foods =[

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