I press my front teeth together and flex my jaw muscles a lot... I notice this once my teeth start hurting or my jaws get sore.
I bounce my legs most the time when sitting and it seems to aggravate a few people that I cant fully sit still very long... If I do I'm out and asleep no matter where I am or what time it is.
My hands are an issue so I always try and hold something because they need to move an my tapping (drumming out music, or piano in my head) also annoys people it seems...
I'm happy when I do this... for some reason until I am reminded I am being a nuisance. : )
HA HA!!! People tend to take pens and pencils from me... Those become instant drum stix... : )
I bounce my legs most the time when sitting and it seems to aggravate a few people that I cant fully sit still very long... If I do I'm out and asleep no matter where I am or what time it is.
My hands are an issue so I always try and hold something because they need to move an my tapping (drumming out music, or piano in my head) also annoys people it seems...
I'm happy when I do this... for some reason until I am reminded I am being a nuisance. : )
I used to have a soft pillow to hug while watching TV, but now just having one beside be to touch or put my hand on works. Rocking chairs, chewing at my lower lip is the worst when nervous. Long sighs, skin picking around nails, and fiddling with anything around I can hold easily in my hands, pens, small objects, twirling my ring.
HA HA!!! People tend to take pens and pencils from me... Those become instant drum stix... : )