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List just one thing you did today

Fertilized the plant collection. Cut my own hair. Dehydrated my latest batch of mushrooms, ground them into a powder, and put them into capsules. Going to clean the basement now.
I managed to sleep and get up early for a change instead of being awake all night. This meant that I saw the weather warnings early and was able to get up into the loft to repair some slates on the roof. Hopefully it's strong enough not to deteriorate in the high winds :-) I hope that I can sleep again tonight and be equally productive tomorrow :-)
Just got the real Christmas tree for this year. Now have to get the lights on it.😃
Cleaned the bathroom, and almost finished another crochet scrunchie...
I put up the Christmas camo on the last "warm" day but didn't plug it in yet. When I'm feeling a bit more festive and wasteful, I'll put it on a timer and try to ignore the rest of the season.
I dusted off the farthest corner of my strongest workshop bench. I don't know if that has happened here before.
I asked my daughter to listen to Bernina Saunders. He really cares about people being to pay for their doctor bills.
I asked my daughter to listen to Bernina Saunders. He really cares about people being to pay for their doctor bills.
Who is that? The Internet gives no results. Are you talking about the Senator?

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