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List just one thing you did today

I diddled around with a neat lil bootleg Gameboy thingy my stepdad got me for not losing my mind yesterday. Merkury Innovations 200-in-1 Arcade, it's called. A nice handful of crappy-and-sometimes-actually-kinda-fun Chinese shovelware, but there's even a few actual NES games in there, like Friday The 13th, Final Mission, Argus, NES Pinball, and even the Japanese version of TMNT!! Curious thing, though, I was playing through TMNT a little, and I noticed an oddity with some of Splinter's chatter. The screen is kinda small, and some Hiragana is hard to read, so when I was on the pause screen I sworn I saw Splinter saying "Donovan, quit goofing off and slap somebody!"
I rescued my horse. When we went to the pasture my horse was missing. We found her down by a pond outside of the fence right at the edge of the frozen water. She was afraid to move but would call to my Mama and I. We were concerned that her hooves were frozen in place but they were not. I got her lead line around her neck and guided her back. She had stickers matted into her face, neck, and mane which Mama and I had to get off of her. They were even inside her ears. We also had to mend the fence. We finally were able to get something to eat around 4°clock this afternoon.
Doing the first research involving my biggest special interest in around half a year. Depression killed my drive for it, but it's coming back, I think.
I rescued my horse. When we went to the pasture my horse was missing. We found her down by a pond outside of the fence right at the edge of the frozen water. She was afraid to move but would call to my Mama and I. We were concerned that her hooves were frozen in place but they were not. I got her lead line around her neck and guided her back. She had stickers matted into her face, neck, and mane which Mama and I had to get off of her. They were even inside her ears. We also had to mend the fence. We finally were able to get something to eat around 4°clock this afternoon.
Good to hear you rescued your horse. 😊
Most importantly, I hope that you didn't feel badly about it.
Not at all... I am not mean to other people when I melt down. I usually cry and shut down. Sometimes I get mad because people try to tell me how to feel, or say I am over reacting and need to stop being upset/ snap out of it. Them putting pressure on me just makes things worse.

This time, I told my mother that I am not the same as her and that she just doesn't understand how overwhelmed, tired and burned out I am... and that I cannot just immediately turn off my emotions or stop being affected by something major that upsets me. It just has to subside on its own. I cannot be expected to react to life in the same way that NT people around me do... and I won't be controlled by their expectations of me. I deserve to be myself without people trying to make me feel guilty for it.
The doorknob fell off.

I got tired of sticking it back on whenever I wanted to go outside, so I bought a new doorknob assembly and put it on this morning.
Consider this like a post you visit and mention something that you did that help you feel better about yourself.
l released that l didn't need to connect with hurtful family members anymore.
I wrote some keyboard parts for the glam cover band I play in .

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