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List just one thing you did today

I saw a deer in the field back behind our house when I took my dog out this morning.
Is that your dog?
Yep. Also, my very best friend.

Bought ingredients for some dishes that I want to cook. Now I need to find the energy to take the next step.
It took until this afternoon, but I did make stuff - meatballs and pancake mix. I freeze them in individual portions, which is very helpful to my eating well.
Weeding the garden in preparation for spring. The recent cold killed the sugar snap peas and lettuce so I'm going to replant those tomorrow. The high temperature for today is 80 degrees.
Drove through a snowstorm to get an emergency tooth extraction and learned that a baggie full of snow makes a pretty great ice pack. ❄️🦷❄️
Discovered that it is currently cheaper to buy a 12 pack of shelled hard boiled eggs than it is to buy the eggs and boil them myself, so I bought 2 dozen eggs. Hard boiled.

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