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List just one thing you did today

Ate "breakfast": eaten at 2:30 PM while laying in bed, a bunch (3 oz. maybe) of Kariot "cereal" (chocolate-filled cookies), three one-ounce bags of BBQ corn chips, a sleeve of snackers (Ritz-style) crackers (3.5 oz.) and a sleeve of graham crackers (4.8 oz.).
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Found a CME site that isn't charging 800 dollars to fulfill DEA CME license requirement since he had blanket DEA at last job. Yes, pharmaceutical companies is sponsoring this. What a conflict of interest, lol.It's to counterattack over prescribed opiods in the USA.
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Sorted out why the smart doorbell wasn't working - a 10-minute job I have been putting off for weeks.

It wanted its battery changing, but of course I'd forgotten how to disable the tamper alarm, so the doorbell (which was otherwise dead) announced to the whole street that some evil criminal doorbell thief was trying to steal it.

Having (finally) shut it up and replaced its batteries, it's now co-operating again. And I have written myself some step-by-step instructions on how to do this in the future (since the instructions provided by the actual doorbell manufacturer are surprisingly silent on this quite important topic).
I celebrated my dog's birthday.

Celebrate Happy Birthday GIF
I am talking a bit more with my Uncle, than I have in a while. Also figuring out something that triggers my negative mental state.

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