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List just one thing you did today

Went to the dentist - again!

I went to the dentist yesterday, too, to fill a small cavity in one of my wisdom teeth. I haven't had a cavity in nearly 30 years so I was really stressed out about the shots, but the dentist was great. The right side of my lips, tongue and jaw was numb for several hours so I ate soup for dinner so I wouldn't accidentally bite myself trying to chew solid food.
I went to the dentist yesterday, too, to fill a small cavity in one of my wisdom teeth. I haven't had a cavity in nearly 30 years so I was really stressed out about the shots, but the dentist was great. The right side of my lips, tongue and jaw was numb for several hours so I ate soup for dinner so I wouldn't accidentally bite myself trying to chew solid food.
You are so lucky to have good strong teeth. Mine get cavities all the time, even doing everything I'm supposed to. I have more plastic in my mouth than actual teeth. I am blessed with a dentist who works hard to save my teeth, who is generous with the nitrous oxide and administers the numbing stuff very slowly so it doesn't hurt too much.
You are so lucky to have good strong teeth. Mine get cavities all the time, even doing everything I'm supposed to. I have more plastic in my mouth than actual teeth. I am blessed with a dentist who works hard to save my teeth, who is generous with the nitrous oxide and administers the numbing stuff very slowly so it doesn't hurt too much.

My husband has had a lot of dental issues, too, lots of cavities, and at least one implant when the tooth couldn't be saved. I'm determined to go to my grave with my own teeth in my mouth, not dentures!
I think that dentists, eye doctors, ect. don't think I take anything serious and try to intimidate me into understanding the seriousness of a procedure when actually I am already soooo nervous or even down right scared. Being the type of person who laughs when they are nervous can be a real pain sometimes.
Ate too much as usual. At my latest meeting with the nutritionist on Monday, I was five pounds heavier than two weeks earlier.
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Baked a cake saturated with sour orange sauce. Made a taco filling of venison, onions, longevity spinach, nopales, olives and what all. My Mexican friend gave me the nopales (already de-spined) and the hand made tortillas. Yum!
Did laundry. It was good for me to do it already, because I need to pack for my trip on Tuesday, and I hope to be busy with a certain activity on Sunday and Monday.

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