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*Little* Things That Annoy You (Pet Peeves)

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People on internet forums using uncommon acronyms and assuming that everyone is going to what they mean. Or the acronym is understood in their country, but not elsewhere.
People in internet forums who forget that not everyone is from their country.
People smoking in public spaces.
The one person who sits near you in public even though there are open seats further away
Especially if they have kids! This happens to me all too often! One time I was in a large restaurant with lots of empty tables, and I sat somewhere in the middle so I could be alone and relax (as I assumed families would want to sit at the tables by the windows). This family came in, with like 2 loud excitable children, 2 whiny toddlers and a baby, and the parents told the kids to find a table while they ordered their food. And, you guessed it, they chose the table RIGHT NEXT TO ME. The table was too small to seat all of them (even though there were plenty of larger tables available), so two of the kids started pulling the chairs out from my table and seating themselves there, then started messing about and screeching.
I mean, for Christ sake, of all the tables! Makes you wonder if people are plotting against you just to piss you off lol.
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Does anyone else have unusual things that bother them? Um, let me explain,

I get very angry and upset when I see an ad/commercial that assumes it knows what I think like 'You've always wanted to travel to blank...' And I'm like no. No NO NO. I've never wanted to do that. Don't assume you know what I want.

Also I get mad when an ad or sign tells me what to do, like a sign said I needed to buy more shoes or I need to stop and read the advertisement and I'm like, WTF no I don't. Don't tell what to do, that's stupid.

It makes me really upset and no one else understands why, I try to explain it to them but they say that it's just an ad or commercial. I drives me crazy.
Do you need an animated cartoon bear in a house singing on the toliet using crude humor and a tooshie tune song to make you want to buy a particular toilet paper? (me joking but serious) thats my favorite....

Advertisements/commercial are like unsolicited sucker punches. Not to mention commercials are based on the "average" consumer. As the years have gone on I feel the population's iq is plummeted so has peoples attention span. Yes I agree with you.... don't tell me what I want...If I want it I will buy it or find it.
When salespeople phone you selling double glazing windows or something. I really wish they wouldn't have people do that for a living, because if I needed double glazing windows (and could afford it) I would go out and get it myself, I don't need a phonecall from a telemarketer to give me the idea.
When you want to ask a question out of curiosity and to educate yourself to understand better, but you know it will offend the person.
Ah yes, one time I was asking on an online forum for recommendations of a purchase and they were like "you can go to Walmart and get one for 12 dollars..." I'm in the UK lol.
Yes, this is exactly the kind of thing that I mean. They assume that because they are in the US that everyone else on the forum must be in the US, too. Some forums have a location next to the username, but it still doesn't stop people from doing it. I'm very aware of geography/location, but most people aren't.
I suppose intrusive sounds while at home would be at the top of the list. Annoyances, but most of the time not something that can put me into a "fight or flight" mode.

Though something new is rapidly gaining steam in this respect. That my ISP is having more frequent outages based on very local issues. Every time I see the lights go out on my Internet phone modem it becomes increasingly irritating.

With my ISP dutifully reporting outages through e-mail, which I can't access until they fix whatever caused the outage in the first place. :rolleyes:
Mushy food

Like over ripe tomatoes, beans, hummus

Watery food (not soups)

If, for example, a burger's bun gets mushy from condensation or if the food is reheated in water

Sticky hands or sticky anything really

Finger foods (except pizza)
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Being told what to do. Then being told again. Then being told again.

And being told how to do it, in what order, and you why aren't you doing it fast enough?

All within the space of a couple of minutes.

I can't think of anything more frustrating than that.

(Of course, this scenario has a lot to do with the person doing the telling. But despite my generally patient personality, this rubs me to the limit. And I'm sure this comes across in text as more aggravating than it really is--you would need some additional context here for it to make better sense. I have yet to find a way to deal with it in a way where I don't find out later that I responded--however I respond--has been taken as offensive. I mean, seriously: there is nothing I can do about fetching anything if the car is still in motion!)
The second cashier who sees a long line of people in the only other cashier's line and says...... "I can help SOMEONE at this register" instead of "I can help THE NEXT PERSON in line" Most of the time when this happens I am toward the front of the line as I watch all the people behind me go to the other line. Usually the person in my line checking out has a price check or their coupon will not work as I watch all those that were behind me check out and leave the establishment. Don't get me wrong, I usually have nowhere important to be, but what if I did and this kind of chaos broke out? What then?
Pictures that have suggestive connotations that aren’t meant to be sensual (like these peaches/plums and the zucchini and yellow squash. The zucchini and yellow squash look like the rocking chair featured in a clockwork orange according to one of my coworkers.


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LITTERING!!!!!!!??? Really??
Do you not have a trash can at your house, that you need to throw that out the window of your car?
Is not the garbage can at the filling station right there 8 feet away from you? Can you not get out of your car after eating your Styrofoam box of food and put it in the garbage can, instead of throwing it on the ground next to the pump so that I have to deal with it before I can fill up?
Do you really think that is a nice thing to do, change your baby's diaper in the parking lot and then throw it on the ground and drive away?
Sometimes people are so totally disgusting and thoughtless.
Makes me so sad
If I have gloves and feel well enough, I will clean up the mess
But if not then I don't, but feel guilty for not picking it up, because someone has to
LITTERING!!!!!!!??? Really??
Do you not have a trash can at your house, that you need to throw that out the window of your car?
Is not the garbage can at the filling station right there 8 feet away from you? Can you not get out of your car after eating your Styrofoam box of food and put it in the garbage can, instead of throwing it on the ground next to the pump so that I have to deal with it before I can fill up?
Do you really think that is a nice thing to do, change your baby's diaper in the parking lot and then throw it on the ground and drive away?
Sometimes people are so totally disgusting and thoughtless.
Makes me so sad
If I have gloves and feel well enough, I will clean up the mess
But if not then I don't, but feel guilty for not picking it up, because someone has to
Sorry maybe that should have been on the Rant page ;)
Does anyone else have unusual things that bother them? Um, let me explain,

I get very angry and upset when I see an ad/commercial that assumes it knows what I think like 'You've always wanted to travel to blank...' And I'm like no. No NO NO. I've never wanted to do that. Don't assume you know what I want.

Also I get mad when an ad or sign tells me what to do, like a sign said I needed to buy more shoes or I need to stop and read the advertisement and I'm like, WTF no I don't. Don't tell what to do, that's stupid.

It makes me really upset and no one else understands why, I try to explain it to them but they say that it's just an ad or commercial. I drives me crazy.
I do not know...
Slow people
People who make loud noises when they eat
Loud noises outside like tools
Not having something when I need it like when I run out of food
Running out of money when u want or need something
Losing something
A messy house
People who do not understand trauma or illness
Roughness as the opposite of gentleness
People who when you say you are beautiful and pretty too, say I am not
People who do not wait longer than 5 mins for something
People who expect u to run to the door in 5mins
When ur phone drops out of your hand and falls on the floor.
Getting up to brush your teeth when u are tired
Forgetting ur towels in the shower
Getting water in ur eyes in the shower
Touching cold water or immersing your hands in it
People who say their problems are worse than yours
People who are obsessed with medical complaints
People who think jealousy is OK
Instagram and how people spend hours editing photos and that is their lives.
People who litter or put gum places or cigarette butts.
Overly clean people like there is a degree like yes wipes in public seem practical but people who wipe like trolley handles and their steering wheels, people probably do this during covid
Hope they know they make the virus worse because some bacteria is a good thing like superbugs etc I believe in hand washing and wipes at times but not disinfecting everything in sight
People who do not wash their hands after bathroom or use phone in toilet
Puke stains on ground
Stepping on cracks
People who do not recycle well or take care of the planet
Climate change deniers who think they can abuse the earth, it is alright if you say things are like a spiral and the earth goes through ice ages but once you use it as an excuse to not care for the planet and abuse the earth that is when it is wrong.
People who take their health and the good they have for granted then moan about all the little things or problems like the world is ending
People who think Christmas is all about presents and materialism and cannot miss one year without gifts especially too expensive gifts
People who expect gifts at every holiday, anniversary etc
OK not sure what else but these are turning into big things
LITTERING!!!!!!!??? Really??
Do you not have a trash can at your house, that you need to throw that out the window of your car?
Is not the garbage can at the filling station right there 8 feet away from you? Can you not get out of your car after eating your Styrofoam box of food and put it in the garbage can, instead of throwing it on the ground next to the pump so that I have to deal with it before I can fill up?
Do you really think that is a nice thing to do, change your baby's diaper in the parking lot and then throw it on the ground and drive away?
Sometimes people are so totally disgusting and thoughtless.
Makes me so sad
If I have gloves and feel well enough, I will clean up the mess
But if not then I don't, but feel guilty for not picking it up, because someone has to
SO TRUE, nothing more disgusting
Anything that's popular or widely liked, it made me very angry that people flock to the same things. For years I refused to have an iPhone because everyone else had one. I wanted nothing which was considered widely popular.

This even went as far as making a point to being different when I felt "normality" was being forced upon me. I'd dislike things and be quite vocal about it if it was widely popular. The olympics here made me very angry, it annoyed me that suddenly everyone was very "pro-british" and blowing our trumpet about England and as soon as it ended they all lost interest in being patriotic.

Stuff like that really winds me up.

I really don't like Ford's because of the same iPhone reason, I see them as character-less boxes for those with no imagination (no disrespect intended). Although now I'm a bit older I'm trying to look at stuff a bit more objectionably and just accept stuff that I like.

So I've had an iPhone a couple times, some Apple stuff and I like it - just as much as I like Android and Windows. But while I was trying to break through my preconceptions there was periods of time where I felt like a sheep. This made me depressed because I suddenly felt very bland, grey and a bit boring.

Don't seem to care too much now lol
Apple and Samsung disgust me, they probably do child labour
It is sickening
Not worth for a device.
I got a nokia phone and they are still probably not perfect but it was less than half the price of apple or samsung
I find this annoying too! I only found out I am an aspie in my mid-twenties, and up until then I would RAGE when really manipulative programming came on TV. Sometimes I kept it to myself, but a lot of the time, especially with family, I would just vent about how stupid the show or ad was, and not understand why everyone else was enjoying it. Everyone would just get upset with me for pointing out all the flaws and ruining the fun; I honestly had to leave the room or I'd get into a horrible mood just from being exposed to it. Shows like American Idol, those cooking reality competitions, anything that purposefully utilises hyperbolic dramatic strategies for pulling in high audience ratings and maintaining viewers. Ads felt like they had scripted a role for me without knowing me, which also pissed me off (still does!). I was irate, my throughout process was 'I see through this! I see what you're trying to do! You must take me for an idiot if you think I'm going to fall for this!'. A lot of my friends/family will watch an ad or one of those shows and get teary, or laugh, or say 'What a great ad/show/plot-twist!' And I am just sitting there thinking... 'who are these people, how do their brains work, and what kind of planet do I live on?'. I think it really has a lot to do with being an Aspie and hating being lied to or misled, but also being pretty damn good at recognising those things given how often it's happened to me throughout my lifetime. It all just felt scripted and fake (and I'm probably also hyper-sensitive to feeling like people are faking interest in me, and/or running through a 'social script' that I don't necessarily identity with). Now I've learned to just save up and implement those critical analyses into my academic work, instead of unleashing my rage upon whoever is in the room with me trying to enjoy their TV programming. It turns out a critical eye and a bit of irateness can pull some pretty decent grades when it comes to writing good work in university!
American idol and shows like that can be so rude, I do not enjoy watching blatant rudeness and a transparent competition where if you are not as good as they would hope, they pull the person down
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