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Meetup.com needs to be banned.

Tony Ramirez

Single Hated Wretched Aspie
V.I.P Member
Or at least come with a warning to not let disability people to use it.

I had my final mental breakdown today with this app. I tried a recent city walking club. Basically no one talked to me not even the leader.

When I thought I connected with a woman and talked for a few minutes walking with her these two guys interrupted me rudely then they dominated the conversation. Then I was left out.

I nearly slipped on ice and two women ignored me. When crossing an interstate I was nearly hit by a car but no one cared but when others crossed they cheered them with no traffic.

Only my 6 month pregnant friend from church frantic cheered me up and got me home on the phone having a meltdown.

Site is nothing but one big clique.
When crossing an interstate I was nearly hit by a car but no one cared but when others crossed they cheered them with no traffic.
Something is seriously wrong if the group were crossing an interstate on foot! There are supposed to be fences in urban areas to keep pedestrians from even reaching the traffic lanes. For a whole group to be led into crossing an interstate is the height of irresponsibility. Were the fences down?
I don't think those popular dating or meeting sites and apps are designed with people like us in mind. We're square pegs and those sites/apps are all round holes.
Where the hell are we supposed to meet level 1 everywhere in my area they are all like my sister level 3.
No idea, man. I met one person through this site who is L1 and a friend, but everyone else in my life is NT. I have learned how to get along with them, but I do need to take breaks from them as well.
I tried to get along with them. No damn more. I am now doing properly damage and physical harm to my body being around them
Something is seriously wrong if the group were crossing an interstate on foot! There are supposed to be fences in urban areas to keep pedestrians from even reaching the traffic lanes. For a whole group to be led into crossing an interstate is the height of irresponsibility. Were the fences down?
No. They didn't care. And to joke around after their buddy cliques crossed over after but didn't even care or inform me a car was zooming by I then lost it and called my friend who the poor thing pregnant was coming out of the subway walking home.
Crossing the interstate on foot is illegal. If you are with a group doing such things, you should immediately leave.

What was this meet up supposed to be about? I think usually meetups are meant for specific populations or have a specific purpose.

As an member of several meetup groups myself, including several centered around autism and/or neurodiversity, I found your post and title to be rather hurtful.

It seems like you may have misunderstood how groups work, and so I'll provide a bit of an explanation in case you or anyone else reading this thread may find it useful.

As Rodafina noted, meetup groups generally center around some sort of interest or activity.

In this case, for the group you mentioned, per their "about" page, they are a group centered around hiking, walking, and cycling in NY, NJ and CT.

It's a free public group (anyone can join, no costs to members or application needed), and a relatively large one, with several thousand members.

For today's event, it's described as a walk and talk. This is a pretty common type of meetup event - where folks meet at a given place to walk a predefined route. Participants can chat if they'd like, but there's no obligation to do so.

As is typical for large public groups, there were a large number of participants signed up (in the 70s), including both participants and their plus-one's.

This event happened to have a high ratio of first-timers, making up about 60% of the participants.

In such large groups, it's quite normal that the activity leaders would be focused on leading the event, and won't have the opportunity to get to talk to everyone.

With smaller groups (e.g. 10 or fewer) you'll be much more likely to see the group leaders, be they organizers or regulars, engage with new members.

But unless the objective is clearly stated as social in nature, and it's also stated that the organizers and/or regulars will actively engage with new members, I think it's unfair to expect that other participants would be actively initiating and be engaging in conversation with you.

As for your near-slip, and feeling ignored - why do you feel ignored? Should someone have said or done something? It seems like you're okay, and that's good. For someone to say something may have drawn attention to that and been potentially embarrassing, in which case not saying anything and moving on may be normal, especially if it was a one-off. If someone had multiple near-slips, then yes, I could see that being a situation where someone may express concern.

As for your statement about crossing an interstate, the walking route passes near an entrance for an interstate, but doesn't pass through one.

Route map provided:
141-99-141-75 Barclay Ave to St. Michael's Roman Catholic Church

Perhaps you saw signs indicating there was an interstate entrance nearby and thought you were on or crossing an interstate itself?

In any case, one should always take caution when crossing a road, even at a marked crosswalk and even if you have a green light. There's generally safety in numbers as well. From the way you described things, it sounds like you may have crossed on your own for some reason?

In any case, I'm sorry that you're upset, but it seems that this was in part due to some misunderstandings.

I noticed that you often mention feeling excluded in a variety of events and settings. I would suggest you see if your friend could join you for some events as an observer. They might be able to identify ways you may be able to better communicate with others, situations where you might have misunderstood things, and/or if there are things that you inadvertently say or do (including body language) which may be impacting how others approach (or don't approach) you.
Wow, I'm freaking believe able. Even @velociraptor said what these meetup eel wrong for us. What they did to me was wrong. Many times I tried to engage in conversation and I just outright ostracized except for that one woman until those two men interrupted me then she wanted nothing to do with me either.
In the several MeetUp groups I had joined, they all differed from each other. Some were quite chatty, others were more quiet. The groups with mostly women were more verbose than the groups with a higher percentage of men. Most of the groups I joined were 'outdoors exercise' where watching everything around for dangers was more important than talking. I'm happier not talking- a lot of people have unique viewpoints that are hard to grok on-the-fly: stressful!
Even @velociraptor said what these meetup eel wrong for us
I don't know if they are wrong, but they are challenging for those on the spectrum. I have the most luck when I hang out with those who share my interests. The shared interest bridges the divide between ND and NT somewhat. I made new friends in photography, paddle boarding, and bushcraft cooking this past year simply by finding events on Facebook in communities for people with my interests. I think it is a better approach than using meetup sites that seem to mash the wrong types of people together.

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