I am sure I am not projecting.

Just look at the intensely negative response to the author’s book. The categorizing of masses of autism activists who deny anything to do with the perspectives from the family viewpoints is very real and factual. Despite the fact that most doing all the criticizing have not even read the book!
I have participated in so many threads on these boards, done plenty of research via social media including autism activists, reviews in depth of her book, read the entire Autism Speaks website, read of so many people in the hundreds who keep saying all the same things and ignoring the other side of raising children with severe autism. To be politically correct is to IGNORE how difficult, how family disruptive, emotionally devastating, exhausting, and how financially costly it is! No one is supposed to say that their kid is so violent that they are kept in the house, or that they **** everywhere? Shall we all stay quiet and sing joyfully - lying to ourselves about the very facts of what devastation severe autism CAN bring to a family? Especially early on in the child”s early years. I am a realist! I ALSO research vast amounts of material daily. I make assessments based on facts, not emotions.
In addition, several parents who are autistic have mentioned they have witnessed the very same thing....that the needs of parents don’t matter; that to say anything about the difficulties is to be ostracized from the autism community, and that even discussing one”s own challenges online is bad.
When there is a massive negativity to the whole subject matter, anyone could observe what is going on. The negative criticisms are VERY LOUD in denouncing parents, autism organizations, and the general severity of trying to raise a child with intensive autistism. They want to sweep everything under the rug, so to speak. This is pathetic. Just because SOME parents have raise their autistic children somewhat easily, does not mean that every parent can or is equipped to do so.