Children certainly don’t come with an instruction manual .
If Haynes had provided a hardback for each model of child I brought into the world I’d have found raising all three a little easier.
Meltdowns in public?
There’s a quote from the book I think (earlier in the thread)
Read the words, it’s all about her and feeling ashamed due to what she imagines other people were thinking.
Where’s the part describing what her son may have been feeling?
What did she do to try to understand him and what’s happening? protect him? Soothe him? Get him away from those triggers (when possible and if applicable)
In my humble opinion, her response to Zacs melt down reads as completely selfish. First priority was her image not Zac.
Perhaps if she’d have been watching zacs various stages of meltdown for the moment when one can approach she wouldn’t have noticed any reaction from anywhere else?
Who can say?
You wrote describing raising an autistic child was like living in a war zone.
It really isn’t.
I’ve done both, I am fit to make that statement.