Starfire, why would you be a “traitor,” or “vilified?” Please help me to understand what you mean.
What I mean is this. Many people including myself have suffered greatly from early childhood, school years, teens and onward due to the their difficulty's and treatment at the hands of others in the wider community shall we say.
We withdrew as a means of self defence by using drugs or alcohol or absorbing ourselves in our interests, hobbies or passions etc, sometimes to an obsessional degree perhaps, all of which I did, do and have done.
We didn’t fit in so we learned to live separately and apart. We learnt how to function in a different way from the majority. I work alone, I don’t have a single friend in the world but I consider myself one of the very lucky ones. I managed to meet a kind and loving NT woman and eventually forge a relationship which resulted in children, despite my disinterest in sex or intimacy. It hasn’t been easy especially for my wife who is very gregarious, and I’m not. She has often been unhappy due to my behaviour, and now we have an autistic and a NT daughter too.
The autistic world/community is very small. We tend to seek each other out to talk and communicate often through the internet because we can largely understand each other, but outside of that most of us I think, are rather private people. However, many of us understand ourselves quite well and the world we live in.
We know the wider community is not particularly interested in or empathetic towards our difficulties. They may be interested in the autistic boy who draws a city from memory, or a girl performing impressive mathematics but that’s it. However, those ‘talents’ are the exception. The day to day reality of living with autism for the majority is not like that, but it doesn’t mean we need to discuss it.
So, when someone from inside that small community writes a book ‘washing the dirty laundry in public’ to some it’s perceived as an attack on an already vulnerable community. It makes us or our children ‘look bad’, it doesn’t paint the picture some would prefer. There are autism activists who can be quite confrontational and aggressive towards people they see as being detrimental to the autistic community, they see themselves as being protectors and do it with the best of intentions.
So when I use the words “traitor” or “vilified” what I mean is people who I trust or trust me in the community, may feel that someone from ‘inside’ who writes about the more extreme and upsetting side to autism such as I touched on the other day, or this woman’s book is no longer to be trusted and should be excluded from the community as they are capitalising on it for personal financial gain.
I don’t know if that answers your question but it’s late here, I’m exhausted and I need to sleep. It’s the best I can do today. Also bear in mind this is all my opinion, and I’m writing from my personal experience, I don’t speak for anyone else and I may be incorrect in how I perceive things.