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More "autistic" when tired?

Atrapa Almas

70% INTJ + 30% ASPIE = 100% HUMAN
V.I.P Member
I have noticed that I have more "autism syntoms" when I am tired / low energy / without many spoons left.

I can see a situation from a flexible and understanding point of view in the morning when I am fresh. I can be tolerant with a lie and understand it was not a serious lie. I can understand that what somebody said about me was not said with the intention to hurt. I can move in the greys.

When its night andI have had a difficult day (social/new stuff, burocracy...) I seem to be another person. I no longer understand in a flexible way. Intead of being upset I go angry. I see intentions of hurting me on others... It seems I turn into black and white thinking and feeling mode. The light feels bad in my eyes, so I go to the shadows. The sounds stress me and I seek for silence.

Can you relate? I guess that It makes sense, but I would like to know your experiences.
Yes, I can relate. I run out of energy, or 'spoons'. Also, sleep is important. Stress, anxiety and sustained mental effort wear me down and have a significant impact on my functioning.
I can definitely relate to that. I really like the way you explained that, @Atrapa Almas. These days it seems I start to unravel just a few hours into the day. If I can catch a 30 minute nap after work, I can usually reset mid-day and soldier on into nighttime.

If I wake up searching for spoons, I’m in trouble.
I need a lot of processing power to function and when I’m tired, one by one, those functions falter. The most pronounced problems for me are executive functioning and communication.

Example for the executive dysfunction: preparing dinner, then at one point just standing in the kitchen, distraught, because my brain grinds to a halt and I can’t oversee the situation anymore and struggle to organize my thoughts enough to finish cooking. And then I just cry.

Example for the communication: I am very proficient at interpersonal communication when I have my spoons, but the more spoons I lose, the harder it gets. I need more and more explanation and context, and the sentences need to be shorter and more concise and more literal, until at some point I can hear all the individual words but can’t string them together anymore to divine any meaning from them. And then I just cry.

I’m currently in a major autistic burnout, starting the day with very little spoons, so all my symptoms are more pronounced to begin with and it takes less to have my brain grind to a halt. It’s never been as bad as the last few months. It will get better though, I’m sure of that.
I can't think as I should when tired. Only one thing at a time.
Feeling pushed by someone to get things done quicker or their way wears me out even more.
Sensory overload happens very easily when tired.
I feel like I zone out or space out is how I describe it.
Then I have to get somewhere alone to recharge or meltdown.
I understand this very well. I manage to maintain decorum but I get more and more tired once I've passed a certain limit and it gets more and more difficult. I have always slept very well though and sleep is usually my go to answer for everything.

Stressed out, go to sleep. Sick, go to sleep. Injured, go to sleep. I like my sleep. :)
Oh yes. I definitely feel it happen when I begin to feel Aloe's magick :P

She sure does love making me hear ocean waves when I need to be awake lol
I relate very much to @Bolletje ’s post.
I don’t get enough sleep either most of the time and I will do things like that. Going into a room to do something and then just standing around and eventually having a breakdown.
When I’m really exhausted and having difficulty functioning I sometimes just wander aimlessly around my house.

Yesterday I almost went outside with no pants, in day-old makeup, because I was running on three hours of sleep and didn’t even realize what I was wearing.

When I’m sleep deprived, I go from very productive and focused, to completely nonfunctional and in a total brain fog. I’ve been having a particularly difficult time with sleep deprivation lately.

I also have unhinged, out of control emotions when I’m tired.

I’m glad this thread is helping you @Atrapa Almas . You are definitely not the only one who experiences impairment in functioning and social skills when you are exhausted.
Yes and No @AtrapaAlmas. I mean yes when I am stressed "by certain things" and tired I may seem less approachable and avoid more, as I may be in at least a slightly worse mood, seem less fair in what I say, and I have less patience and I will shut down socially and in trying to assist others, but most of those things happen for NTs too, so who is to say they are Autistic traits when I do those things, and when intense emotions build, but then some typical instinct or overreaction must occur, and as I try not to be a masker for many things and so what others see in me thus is me at all times, but everyone has a right to not be perfect there and to express or act differently under severe duress.

How I may differ is that I never usually see things as black or white regardless of mood, energy and stress, unless that stress is very triggering and a huge pet peeve related and it is instinct to push back on like certain people who show that one sidedness by showing I can do that too to show them how it feels. But, even the rare times I do that, when I am really triggered there, I am aware those moments that the truth is more in the middle and that that is not me, as I have lots of understanding and objective abilities. But, if I feel those others do not see that,and let me be me, too, I may come across as more assertive and more one sided in ways, but guilt then makes me quickly return to that usual state.

For most things though, I do my best thinking under stress when not under that I overwhelmed mode,as I grew up having to think quickly, c!early and with balance under tons of stress when pain was all around and protection needed to occur. My introversion caused me to want to make sense of everything under stress and be one step ahead to not hurt more and have others hurt more, and to not let intense emotions, unexpected situations and mean persons determine my thoughts, feelings and actions at any moment. During those times, I saw the grays, and sifted out fact verses fiction.

The problem with this is, and I told you elsewhere, I learned to lump many feelings together during those lots of daily stressful moments, and this meant I no longer got pleasure from things nor too upset by things--most of the time. Although as a child I remember early on laughing and having fun, getting scared and having much anxiety-- the extremes-- but then over time that changed to more steady, even keel. And I am aware that I prefer deadlines for everything: projects, time to start and finish house stuff and errands,etc., but I can be self motivated regardless. It is not just because of a need for routine, but as stress usually motivates me too. In most cases I try to work through tiredness and stress, but if overwhelmed I shut down temporarily.

But, in those cases I can tell others generally why, saying certain things trigger me like if I either think I have too much responsibility here, less appreciation is shown for my needs or efforts, if I wondered how things could be better or different had I chosen other paths, and like if I feel frustrated I have to put certain needs or goals on hold. But, I have difficulty knowing if each was more sadness, anger, hopelessness or depression related. As well, I am not the type who runs away from relationships, when much stress is present, nor the type to not admits faults and mistakes I do, as I am my own worst critic, and I love disagreement to !earn new things, but I have my limits, so yeah, when tired or those things build inside, I drop that even keel and rational mindset some, either instinctively, or to see if this changes anything. That rarely works, so then I go to that safe place again, lowering my expectations and trying to shut down feelings.
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I think I relate to this (working through a Autistic burnout so not fully sure) - day to day things require more energy + focus (not sure if this is spoons) & I tend to go more quiet (refresh at home and in my space).

I generally start the morning with lower energy & do fine during the night.

Sorry if I am hijacking (in any way) @Atrapa Almas
Yes and No @AtrapaAlmas. I mean yes when I am stressed "by certain things" and tired I may seem less approachable and avoid more, as I may be in at least a slightly worse mood, seem less fair in what I say, and I have less patience and I will shut down socially and in trying to assist others, but most of those things happen for NTs too, so who is to say they are Autistic traits when I do those things, and when intense emotions build, but then some typical instinct or overreaction must occur, and as I try not to be a masker for many things and so what others see in me thus is me at all times, but everyone has a right to not be perfect there and to express or act differently under severe duress.

How I may differ is that I never usually see things as black or white regardless of mood, energy and stress, unless that stress is very triggering and a huge pet peeve related and it is instinct to push back on like certain people who show that one sidedness by showing I can do that too to show them how it feels. But, even the rare times I do that, when I am really triggered there, I am aware those moments that the truth is more in the middle and that that is not me, as I have lots of understanding and objective abilities. But, if I feel those others do not see that,and let me be me, too, I may come across as more assertive and more one sided in ways, but guilt then makes me quickly return to that usual state.

For most things though, I do my best thinking under stress when not under that I overwhelmed mode,as I grew up having to think quickly, c!early and with balance under tons of stress when pain was all around and protection needed to occur. My introversion caused me to want to make sense of everything under stress and be one step ahead to not hurt more and have others hurt more, and to not let intense emotions, unexpected situations and mean persons determine my thoughts, feelings and actions at any moment. During those times, I saw the grays, and sifted out fact verses fiction.

The problem with this is, and I told you elsewhere, I learned to lump many feelings together during those lots of daily stressful moments, and this meant I no longer got pleasure from things nor too upset by things--most of the time. Although as a child I remember early on laughing and having fun, getting scared and having much anxiety-- the extremes-- but then over time that changed to more steady, even keel. And I am aware that I prefer deadlines for everything: projects, time to start and finish house stuff and errands,etc., but I can be self motivated regardless. It is not just because of a need for routine, but as stress usually motivates me too. In most cases I try to work through tiredness and stress, but if overwhelmed I shut down temporarily.

But, in those cases I can tell others generally why, saying certain things trigger me like if I either think I have too much responsibility here, less appreciation is shown for my needs or efforts, if I wondered how things could be better or different had I chosen other paths, and like if I feel frustrated I have to put certain needs or goals on hold. But, I have difficulty knowing if each was more sadness, anger, hopelessness or depression related. As well, I am not the type who runs away from relationships, when much stress is present, nor the type to not admits faults and mistakes I do, as I am my own worst critic, and I love disagreement to !earn new things, but I have my limits, so yeah, when tired or those things build inside, I drop that even keel and rational mindset some, either instinctively, or to see if this changes anything. That rarely works, so then I go to that safe place again, lowering my expectations and trying to shut down feelings.
Thank you for taking the time to explain how you experience it deeply. It seems somewhat similar and different for everyone of us. And as you said, NTs do also work worse when tired.

I also know many people who need some time after they wake up to have their brain working properly. And they may work better at night, as @Dom529 said.
As I noted in another thread, I try to recognize when I'm low on spoons as I want to ensure I don't end up inadvertently doing something that may have an adverse impact on myself or others during those periods where my ability to make everyday decisions is impaired.

Something I want to note as well for those who are seeking supports of any sort (including disability funding) is to make a note of your support needs during those times/days when you have no spoons - because that is ultimately when you are most vulnerable and most in support of needs, and of course such periods may not necessarily coincide with when you're meeting with a doctor, social worker, or other professional who may be involved in the assessment process.
Sometimes when I get really exhausted but I'm like too tired to sleep if you know what that feels like lol, I won't really be irritable but I'll tell people "I can't sleeping frick" lol
I have noticed that I have more "autism syntoms" when I am tired / low energy / without many spoons left.

I can see a situation from a flexible and understanding point of view in the morning when I am fresh. I can be tolerant with a lie and understand it was not a serious lie. I can understand that what somebody said about me was not said with the intention to hurt. I can move in the greys.

When its night andI have had a difficult day (social/new stuff, burocracy...) I seem to be another person. I no longer understand in a flexible way. Intead of being upset I go angry. I see intentions of hurting me on others... It seems I turn into black and white thinking and feeling mode. The light feels bad in my eyes, so I go to the shadows. The sounds stress me and I seek for silence.

Can you relate? I guess that It makes sense, but I would like to know your experiences.
I definitely relate to your words very very much. My symptoms are worse when I have less executive function.

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