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Most humans are garbage.


Video game and movie addict.
V.I.P Member
Bread and circus is a winning strategy for people in power, since all most people want to do is eat junk food and watch junk TV all day and night. They do not give a damn about anything outside of that. Humanity is a plague for which there is no cure other than a comet hitting the planet Earth. Good people are extremely rare.

The world is going to Hell and the average man is doing nothing about it other than watching more TV and eating more junk food. Most people are junkies, strung out on their petty little bread and circus lives.

Yeah, I am feeling a lot of misanthropy right now.
I look at the standards l set for myself and then find that many people around me have zero standards.
I hope you feel better soon because you're not doing much by ranting. And also, if we agree with your logic, I'm probably garbage and so are people in this forum including the person you look in the mirror. How is that helping the world -- or yourself?
Sometimes, you need to rant because it's better than keeping it bottled up inside. Sometimes, it helps you pinpoint what your stressor is.
Sometimes, you need to rant because it's better than keeping it bottled up inside. Sometimes, it helps you pinpoint what your stressor is.
True, but perhaps a warning first? Or a request to just vent? This is a public forum. I can't see the point of stating that most humans are garbage... I feel more frustrated than empathic but I see your point of view.
The world is going to Hell and the average man is doing nothing about it other than watching more TV and eating more junk food. Most people are junkies, strung out on their petty little bread and circus lives.
The only one you can control is yourself. You do not have to watch TV or eat junk food. If you are doing either, and it is making you this unhappy, you do have the choice to do something else.
That's not an attitude that will get you anywhere but down. If you hate the world it will hate you back. It is rather like spitting into the wind. You have no right to a world that fits your ideals. Your job is to adapt to it where you can and accept it where you cannot.
Maybe it's time for a break?

You gotta break out of this loop. It's almost like this... back and forth whiplash, at least how I perceive it in your posts. Not just this one, I mean over time. And it sounds like you're constantly consuming stuff that enforces the loop (particularly when it's DESIGNED to do that) and that isnt going to help you.

Really: Take a break. A *serious* break. Drop the internet, turn off news & media, put the bloody phone down, all that nonsense for a couple of weeks. A couple of WEEKS, not days. And do... not... touch... them. No internet, no TV, no phone, AT ALL. No exceptions. It's referred to as a "digital detox". Even I've done it before, and I cant even describe to you just how much it helped.

It takes some serious willpower to do, to resist the urge of the devices, but... you know what, you've already shown you've got the willpower to do it.

I apologize if I sound naggy and annoying here, but I really do think this is important.
Could it be because they can't do anything about the world? I watch tv and eat food and enjoy my life here at home. And I try to ignore the world most of the time. Because I can't do anything about the world or the worlds problems. So if it's going to hell, let's enjoy the ride at least.
Absolutely! If you cannot do anything about something, anger and fear serve no purpose. They just enhance the pain of what you are angry or fearful about. In Buddhism, there is a saying that all psychological pain is really wanting things you cannot have.

Until you accept the bad things in life you probably won't even notice the good things.
Well, tonight I helped save the life of a sheep. It’s not much, probably won’t save my soul—if souls even exist or if they’re imperilled by what we do or don’t do—and I oughtn’t to mention it if discretion is the better part of valour.

Still, I like to imagine it put one more little message and example out in the world that not all is bad and all is lost. That entities can show compassion and concern for one another, and help or do the right thing when called by the universe, for no other motive than wanting to make things better. It does happen, just not as often as we’d like.

Which isn’t to diminish how venal, exhausting, soulless and ugly and atomised that society sometimes seems to be becoming in general. Society isn’t Life, though, I think we have to cleave to that. Humankind and animals existed before all these structures we put in place, and may continue to exist after those structures are gone, provided no one pushes any big Reds.
The world is going to Hell and the average man is doing nothing about it other than watching more TV and eating more junk food. Most people are junkies, strung out on their petty little bread and circus lives.
The system is corrupt.
Most ppl don't know how corrupt. :cool:
I hope you feel better soon because you're not doing much by ranting. And also, if we agree with your logic, I'm probably garbage and so are people in this forum including the person you look in the mirror. How is that helping the world -- or yourself?

most people

Good people are extremely rare.

I am not as harsh, but essentially you can't let your guard down around strangers.

I have noticed over the decades, that those on the spectrum are the preferred prey by ppl with questionable character. :cool:

Absolutely! If you cannot do anything about something, anger and fear serve no purpose. They just enhance the pain of what you are angry or fearful about.

Like most young people, I was an idealist...
...until I discovered what real life was all about...
I then decided I wasn't here to change the world...
...since there wasn't a big enough dirty nappy bin available... :p

IMO, this life system is an unfortunate disaster, hence, my anti-natalist position.
Hence, my desire to keep to myself as much as possible with the few select people in my life.

"My life, my choice..." :cool:
The only one you can control is yourself. You do not have to watch TV or eat junk food. If you are doing either, and it is making you this unhappy, you do have the choice to do something else.
Very seldom eat junk food, Watch a lot of u-tube not much choice tire out quickly.
Trash Shame GIF by nog
But seriously, we're all going to die soon anyway, so what's the point of doing anything anymore? Graduating, getting a career, finding a spouse having kids? How can anyone do that without the fear of nukes, climate change, and plagues wiping us out. All our efforts, gone.

What do you expect me to do about it? I'm not Superwoman. I can't go out and save the world. I have a hard enough time going out to buy groceries every week. If I died, the rest of the world won't notice or care, it'll be like I never lived.

We're in the beginnings of another bird flu pandemic, I heard today someone in the USA was diagnosed today. They said the symptoms were mild, but it either won't be that way for most people, or they're lying to avoid hysteria. Better start buying toilet paper, masks and sanitizer while you still can. And cyanide, or helium.

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