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Mother's day card dilemma.....

Oh just get her a nice card with flowers on it and write "I love you Mom" and it'll make her day.

Does anyone just have trouble remembering and going to go get cards like this? Like I was in the grocery store and just forgot to pick one up, then it was like do I smoke a couple times to calm myself down enough to go drive back to the store or do I just do not get one and not do this horrible habit?

Remembering Birthdays and cards and dealing with anxiety of going to get them and making a decision about which one to buy is hard for me. People close to me just give up on regularly receiving such things from me, because it is harder for me than it is for other people to accomplish such things
Yes, too many choices in cards, that was kinda of what started this post. None of the cards rang true for me, so l left frustrated which sums up dear mommy and my horrible relationship. It's like we try and try to connect and we both have good intentions. But the PBS series of our tribulations runs 24/7 and l don't trust her. She let me down since my grandmother told me she wanted to put me up for adoption. How can you ever have a relationship after that? Which reminds me of that song - sometimes l feel like a motherless child........(beautiful song). It's a slave song when families were split up. Odetta sings a version of it.
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Yes, too many choices in cards, that was kinda of what started this post. None of the cards rang true for me, so l left frustrated which sums up dear mommy and my horrible relationship. It's like we try and try to connect and we both have good intentions. But the PBS series of our tribulations runs 24/7 and l don't trust her. She let me down since my grandmother told me she wanted to put me up for adoption. How can you ever have a relationship after that? Which reminds me of that song - sometimes l feel like a motherless child........(beautiful song).

I think what most people do is just fulfill their social obligations of sending a card on Mother's Day and make quick choice and move on.

Maybe something like not wanting to feel like you are lying can add a lot of complications in, that maybe many others don't even consider.

With me, the problem is very bizarre, because I have no negative feelings towards my mom, I just become a nervous wreck fulfilling this social obligation.

But it's maybe sort of the same problem in a way with you and with me, like things that others just do without a lot of thought and easily, become highly complicated and stressful.

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