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Movies you watched when you were too young to watch them...

For some reason I was obsessed with the movie Stand By Me when I was five, even though I had no understanding of the characters or plot.
Wait I looked up movies with him in it - It was "The Magic Christian." Don't remember anything else about the movie except the part where they filled a pool full of sewage and through money in it and people diving to get the money. (1969)

LOL...yes I remember that one too. Though that role would have been less explicit compared to "Candy".

I was six when I got to watch,

The Giant Spider Invasion

When they first came out on the big screen.

By todays standards it's almost amusing
the genre was considered horror/sci fi
and drama/mystery.

I think when you're six,
this sh*t is real !

... it was the seventies,
The adult herding the tribe of children in to the cinema was seen as the decision maker over suitability.

in the same way the responsibility for giving young children sweets called 'Spangles' lay with the parents/guardians.

Some serious, high octane fuel for an already energetic six year old :)
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I checked out Henry & June from the local library when I was 12. That is well-known for being the first film ever to get rated NC-17. And it actually is a great movie, oddly enough.
I watched Jaws at my counsin's house when I was about 7. It totally ruined my relationship with water, it is a little embarrassing but I actually didn't have a bath until I was about 10! o_O I did shower though. I wouldn't go in swimming pools alone or in the deep end, thankfully by about 15 I got over most of this. I still get nervous in the sea and in lakes though, but I do enjoy it.
I also watched Scream 2 much too young.
Looking back at this thread, I remember one night when I was 13 and couldn't sleep I turned on the TV to see if there was anything to watch.
Ended up watching the film Barbarella on ITV4 - which literally begins with a young Jane Fonda doing a zero gravity striptease while the rest of the film shows her dressing into multiple skimpy outfits and having sex with several characters.

The film was pretty silly (heck, one of the characters is called Dildano) and its special effects and acting don't hold up, but the film certainly remained in my mind for reasons I'm sure you'll understand.
I'm sure there's movies where I missed the message because I was too young, but I genuinely can't think of a movie I was too young to see content wise. My parents were really strict with the movies I was exposed to so I retaliated by getting into death metal, suddenly the restrictions they had placed seemed pretty trivial and they stopped being enforced.
Amityville Horror, parents left it in player (Betamax ha ha) I watched it following morning. Thought it was rubbish and still think horror films are stupid.
You know what, I was 23 when I watched Pink Flamingos and I'm not sure there's ever an age where that movie is appropriate.

That said, I really have no sense of propriety and will tell your grandma jokes with punchlines like 'but that one in the middle with the scraggly beard and bad breath's gotta be Willie Nelson' and yet again be surprised that it didn't go over well. Hey, both of my grandmas laughed... and I was 11 when they heard it.
As a little girl, I watched Beavis and Butthead Do America and South Park: Bigger, Longer, Uncut. They were honestly fun to watch, but I didn't get some of the jokes ( my brother had to point them out) and got in trouble sometimes for quoting them. I also watched Adam Sandler films growing up because my brother has his CDs and introduced me to him.
When I was 12 or 13, my entire class watched The Exorcist in Catholic School because the nun thought it showed the dangers of Satan.
Another movie I remember watching when I was too young to see it was Bad Lieutenant. The uncut version. I was 14 at that time. Harvey Kietel’s performance there was truly legendary, though. That movie is a very rough watch.
I watched Titanic with my sister when I was ten. It wasn’t massively inappropriate but I remember there was a small intimate scene between character’s Jack and Rose and also seeing people drown and get shot probably wouldn’t have amused our mum and dad had they found out we watched it, luckily, they never did! :p
Not interested in films, but my parents let me to watch Jurassic Park when I was 9 which is 12+ because I was interested in dinosaurs and didn't watch it full, but did some parts.

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