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Movies you watched when you were too young to watch them...

I remember being allowed to watch The Terminator when I was seven or eight, yet I was forbidden from watching The Transformers cartoon because that was too violent. LOL

I grew up on Schwarzenegger, Stallone and Norris. All of those movies were ridiculously violent. I had a fun childhood.
I was too young to watch those black-and-white 8mm films that my uncle thought he had hidden well in his garage.
I was forbidden from watching The Transformers cartoon because that was too violent. LOL

I've heard similar stories. My parents used to crack up at Cowboy Bebop every time they swore, because the concepts of swearing in a 'cartoon' (or anime) was so foreign to them. That memory still makes me chuckle, but they weren't really wrong to think that at all :D
I loved watching horror movies as a kid. And yet I can't stand action movies.

Something about the so-called 'heroes' slaughtering lots of hapless mooks with no remourse and being praised by the audience for being a calloused macho jerk is more disturbing to me than a movie about trying to survive against demons ghouls and other horrors. :)
RoboCop and Terminator :) They didn't bother me at all. It was actually a kid's / general ages movie that gave me nightmares :P
It's not as extreme as watching R-rated films when you were a little kid, but for some reason when I was like 6-7 years old, my mum decided to rent the PG-13 horror comedy monster film Eight Legged Freaks from the video rental store as our rental for the week and that literally gave me nightmares about giant spiders for a few days lmao.
I remember when I was a teenager, before I was 17, the cinemas almost always let me in to see R rated movies when I was by myself. The only two times they would not sell me a ticket to a R rated movie was for Se7en and then for Natural Born Killers.

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