In the past two years, we have noticed a lack of empathy. If I am sick or injured, she tells me to stop being a baby and deal with it. When I cry in front of her, she is uncomfortable. She didn't cry at her grandpa's funeral.
She has never been s touchy-feely person. If you touch her without warning, she gets upset. She doesn't like hugging me, but she does hug my husband. She is very attached to our dog...
I don't see these facts going together. Does she hug your husband or her father? And she is "very attached to the dog" means she can bond and connect -- animals do count, and animals are popular for a reason: they don't give off confusing signals and don't expect fake responses in return.
Has anyone told her to "stop being a baby and deal with it"? This is far more likely to be the reason for her to say this to others, and try to do it herself, than a "lack of empathy." To many of us, it looks like there are "no social rules" because they are so contradictory and based on a confusing bunch of constantly changing circumstances. Many of us default to not showing any emotions because we never seem to pick the right one.
I gather she loves her father and her dog, and shows it? She has two long term friends? She manages well in school?
That sounds pretty darn good, to me.