That was very true for me too, I was a huge drinker and alcohol really does help with social issues as long as you don't drink so much that you turn in to a dribbling mess. I was what is known as a Functioning Alcoholic.I used alcohol to suppress much of the difficulty. Alcohol really does suppress the same part of brain involved in sensory processing and other autistic symptoms. You'll find many ex-alcoholics on this forum.
I was lucky in the fact that I never formed an addiction, I used alcohol as a social lubricant but when I wasn't around people I didn't need or desire it. I do enjoy a nice cold beer on a hot day though.
When I got social housing I found myself living in between two non functioning alcoholics, useless appendages with anger management issues. Watching them in action has almost entirely put me off of alcohol. I have absolutely no sympathy or compassion for those people, they created their own problems and now create problems for others around them as well. Drug addiction is one thing, being an arsehole is something else entirely.