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Not having a future


Van Dweller
V.I.P Member
I struggle with the idea of not having a future. My spiritual practice brings me into the present, there is only here and now and anything else is either an imagination, a fear, or a memory; the only thing that exists is this moment. And yet not having a future, not having an idea where I'm heading, is not always easy to accept.

I would like to have a future. The future brings hope and possibility, maybe even excitement, and while some futures still require walking slowly towards them, having one seems to be important.

I haven't had a future for a long time. I have simply got on with being in the present, doing the things that one needs to do. Daily stuff, mundane stuff, ensuring I have somewhere to live. And now I have those things, those habits, rhythms and routines in place, now what?

Were we not in a global pandemic, and the freedom to move about still existed, there were ideas that I wanted to explore and probably would have. It wasn't easy to accept I could not choose any of them.

And so all I have is this moment. Am I okay in it? Yes. It's as simple as I can make it. It has what I need. It's not perfect. I can't control what other people do and I've chosen to live around other people who are essentially quite different to me. They have their own ways of doing things and I know I would not choose to live around people who did things those ways if I had another choice. And I don't really see that I do.

So I have to accept it as it is. Wanting it to be different doesn't change the fact that it is the way it is. And through acceptance there is peace to be found. I’m struggling to accept the situation because there is a nagging, niggling, urging, remembering, that this is not all there is. This is not where I end up and have to stay even if the consistency of familiarity is something I do really need in my life.

It is often easier to remain living in a situation that is not preferable because it is familiar, than to take another leap of faith into the unknown and attempt to find familiarity there. We all have to be somewhere. And if I can't be in the present then I can't be at peace. If I can't find contentedness in this moment which moment can I?

And it is because there is so little to do except distract, remember, think, and I have the time to look at things, to go deep, to write about them, to share them here. And sometimes I receive responses that help. That make me feel like I am not alone. I am understood as there are people who have experienced similar things.

But most people don't live like I do, at least not in my experience. Perhaps there are more here because we are more similar in many ways.

Have you ever felt like you did not have a future? How did you deal with it?

Were are you able to accept the present and be patient?

It would be interesting to hear your perspective on this, because round and round I go, and I realise I'm only talking to myself. And that's why I write. Maybe somebody knows what I'm talking about.
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What you seem to be talking about is having
a knowledge of the future. That is not the
same as having no future.
What you seem to be talking about is having
a knowledge of the future. That is not the
same as having no future.
True, we all have some kind of future. You are right. Having an idea of a future that feels real is what's missing. It has been for a while.
That is not the
same as having no future.
From a philosophical perspective, there is no future. I can never be in the future, just like I can't be in the past.
The present used to be a wonderful place. Full of potential, wonder, joy. It used to lead me to more of itself, the future of the past, and that was life. Trying to figure out what happened.
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So, you are saying that you are depressed.

You feel that you have lost or misplaced the ability
to appreciate the present, which reduces the anticipation
of continuing pleasant experiences.

You are wondering what has led to this feeling.
I know what you are saying, at least a bit. Its a time thing. Once upon a time you thought you were going to be homeless, spooky freak dirty and talkin to the fire hydrant. Then you learned how to get the basics for you. You forget now how hard it was to get where you are! It was tough! Then after that you got blissed out because you had 'climbed the mountain' quite a view eh? Now you have convinved yourself that there are no viable paths forward, what you have is all there is. You dont think you are ever goin to 'make it'.
Somebody is wearing second hand shoes! Who put this success thing on you, its a collar and a yoke! Do you need to make a difference still? Whose values are these you dont quite live up too? I smell intoctrination and propaganda soup!
Maybe you need to be more amazing to love yourself. What will it take? My friend works at county mental health crisis center. Its a walk in place, right by the police station(thats a good thing i guess) she is my hero because of what she overcame. Enough problems that ppl like her usually remain medicated and locked up, you know pjs, slippers, and doin the shuffle?
Would that be enough to feel that youre not a bum? Work somewhere dangerous trying to help the desperate? It can be done, look into your heart, see what is there. I am grateful for what i have and who i am.
Maybe you need to be more to be ok. These thoughts your having might indicate a new period of growth! Maybe its time to get into classes and get a degree! Its all distance learning now so..
You make a difference right here, take off them second hand shoes dude, they dont fit you.
So, you are saying that you are depressed.

You feel that you have lost or misplaced the ability
to appreciate the present, which reduces the anticipation
of continuing pleasant experiences.

You are wondering what has led to this feeling.

I find myself experiencing a present that for the most part seems out of balance with who I know myself to be.
I appreciate some moments. I don't know if I am depressed. I can't find my way as if life as I know it has come to end. I practice acceptance. Things happen for a reason. Happiness seems a long time ago.
Taking things one day at a time is not bad. We live in very turbulent times and planning for the future tends to lead nowhere in my experience. I believe in fate.
Taking things one day at a time is not bad. We live in very turbulent times and planning for the future tends to lead nowhere in my experience. I believe in fate.
I agree. Believe me I tried to find a future and it showed me how pointless it was.
When I knew I was going to be homeless, I tried to figure out how to deal with it. I came up with a number of ideas, and fate said no to every one, no matter whether I was ready to accept it or not.
So, doing my best to accept I couldn't or shouldn't plan for one, what has happened is that I'm experiencing ONLY what I need. I'm grateful to have it. And on the whole do accept the loneliness that comes with it.
I believe in fate too, and yet...
To really believe it means let go of all thoughts of future and be in the now until something changes. I get it, and yet without friends or family, no support network, and issues, it can overwhelm me at times. That's why I reached out. Thanks for answering.
I agree. Believe me I tried to find a future and it showed me how pointless it was.
When I knew I was going to be homeless, I tried to figure out how to deal with it. I came up with a number of ideas, and fate said no to every one, no matter whether I was ready to accept it or not.
So, doing my best to accept I couldn't or shouldn't plan for one, what has happened is that I'm experiencing ONLY what I need. I'm grateful to have it. And on the whole do accept the loneliness that comes with it.
I believe in fate too, and yet...
To really believe it means let go of all thoughts of future and be in the now until something changes. I get it, and yet without friends or family, no support network, and issues, it can overwhelm me at times. That's why I reached out. Thanks for answering.

I understand. I also feel that loneliness and hopelessness sometimes. I also tried to be ready for the future, i wanted to be a succesful lawyer but mental health issues ruined my 20s, and i don't have enough experience right now even though i feel better.

I don't think you should completely forget about your goals and dreams for the future though. You can assess them and try to think logically if there is a possibility to make them reality. But you sound too overwhelmed for it right now so i think firstly you should focus on being in a better place mentally.

If you don't have anyone who can support you in real life you can still use this forum to reach out to other people for help. I know i had a lot of help from people on the other side of the world. You are definitely not alone.
Many people are feeling that now. With resources gravitating toward smaller numbers of people, the future of many people is changing radically.

Many once could go to college without incurring tens of thousands of debt dollars. Many could raise a family on one job and the mom could work or stay at home. Many could go to the doctor without forfeiting several month's pay. Thus, not being able to go, they may get sicker or even die.

Go back even further and people had their futures altered so quickly through famine, war, being taken as war prize, slavery, repeated pan/endemics, etc etc etc that there was even a term for it : "The Vicissitudes of Fate and Fortune."

So, yeah, there are many people right now who are experiencing a present that is harsh through no fault of their own just like its always been and each altered opportunity alters what could have been an alternate future.

The best you can do is embrace the things that have always helped people endure harsh periods of history. Some turn to religion, others giving, helping, volunteering, civitas, education, hard core philosophy, etc.

There are many things people have done to cope. Some work, some don't.

All I am saying is we are in a time where few people have more and more resources so it's gonna hurt for a whole lot of folk. Hunker down into your philosophy and live in what you have right now. No one knows how all this will unfold.
I don't think you should completely forget about your goals and dreams for the future though. You can assess them and try to think logically if there is a possibility to make them reality.
It just does my head in right now, as if I ought to keep at it. I know so much has to do with the lockdown, and yet life must go on. It's one thing to have no ideas, but another to have no way to make them happen. Living in the present is frustrating.
It just does my head in right now, as if I ought to keep at it. I know so much has to do with the lockdown, and yet life must go on. It's one thing to have no ideas, but another to have no way to make them happen. Living in the present is frustrating.

Trust me i feel the same. All my friends from work are still working while i am cooped at home and it makes me feel useless. But getting covid scares me even more. And i have to remind myself its not my fault that i can't make a decision for my future in this environment.
I think there is room for both living in the present, and hoping for the future

There is nothing wrong with living day to day, much of this past year has been that way... Living day to day isn't always something negative, it can be positive, trying to draw good things out of each day, no matter how simple they are

I suspect many people spent most of this past year in the day to day living

But it is always good, no matter the times, to hope for the future... But ultimately no one really knows what will happen in your next breath, five minutes from now, etc... Have those hopes, know that they may or may not actually happen, but they might happen, never stop dreaming

I'll be the first to admit that I struggle with actually doing what I just wrote, all the same I stand by what I did write
I think I live in the future more than the present, mentally. I'm more comfortable with what may come than what is. The present can be kind of boring, sometimes I feel like a 'useless eater', but who knows what interesting developments the future holds. Things can only get better.

I've been into bible prophecy for a long time so seeing it play out is very interesting for me. I sometimes prophecy or have premonitions.
Wanting more than you have right now isn't a terrible thing :)

And you're right, living in the present can sometimes be frustrating.

A little while ago I wanted more money.
I could live in the moment but what was missing from 'the moment' was slightly more income (in my immediate future)
I got a second job.

A second job and more income now exist in my here & now. In my present.
I put it there.

I have no grand plans set up for 10 years time, I'm only thinking about the next day or two.
I look forward to spending my wages on things I'd like though - if that's classified as living in the future?
I once was hopeless, lonely, and without a future. In fact, I was dangerously suicidal, having recently barely survived my latest suicide attempt. And then a Christian prayed for me against my will (I was atheist), I saw a small light descend upon the blackness of my closed eyes, the light ascended and with it went a decade's worth of pain, I felt joyful for the first time in longer than I could remember, and I was never hopeless or suicidal again. I pray for you too. I pray for many people on this forum.
First off, it's a little hard to read that much bolded text, hard on the eyes and brain.
But what I see you saying is that you wish you had a purpose in your life. goals to achieve. A feeling of direction or forward momentum.
I mentioned somewhere on here earlier (hell if I know where though now! ;)) about my current autism specialist's repeated questioning about what my goals were, and how important it is to our mental health to have a sense of purpose in life.

COVID absolutely makes things harder. And depending where you live the restrictions are greater or lesser.

I don't know if it would help, but maybe you could make a list of the goals and achievements you would like to accomplish, and then when they're all written out, maybe you can look back over them and see which, if any, or which parts of this one or that one, are doable, or that you can take steps towards achieving? It's so much easier, I find, to have that sort of thing written down. Then it's not getting all tangled up and bits forgotten in your mind. Also, then you can refer back to it, and see how far you've come when it feels that you're not making any progress. Also gives you a sense of success. (sometimes when you most need it.)

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