Check out the Russian batmobile and the crazy plummer with the Rocket Launcher on very cool!
It is nice the Department of Of Justice is now finally starting to address government corruption and abuses in the U.S. but the cockroaches have pretty much taken over the kitchen while all the law enforcement agencies were off chasing terrorists after 911.
But I am not convinced that America hasn't passed the point of no return on corruption and I am not just referring to government corruption, the 4 main whitecollar Mafias in America are very powerful, very well connected, and very well organized. They infiltrate government regulation agencies and overturn laws blocking their evil schemes with ease. And I am no longer convinced there are enough uncompromised Law men left in any agency to reverse the black tide of corruption. I think America is in a death spiral as written in the Holy Bible and predicted by our prophet, it is not something that I wish for, I would be most happy if some good men stepped up and proved me wrong.
I think the years of Atheism taught in our public schools are now coming due, and America will reap the same misery and poverty that the Soviet Empire did. There is no easy fix for a country that is just becoming bad, bad people like to do bad things. Even maximum effort by our law men now will not likely stop the downward slide of America, Natural Laws apply to humans not just is time to pay the piper...Chaos and Poverty come.
Our 4 American home grown Mafias are quite unique even in organized crime America is very creative.

Here is my list of them more or less it has taken me over 2 decades to figure out this stuff by piecing together bits and pieces of news.
The Global Warming Mafia 1. seems to be made up primarily of Government lifer employees, and Atheist scientists, they are highly organized and experts at using propaganda to create fear to generate increased funding and regulatory power. They learned their dirty tricks from their evolutionist colleagues and practice the same mendacity in making up giant lies to get grants and pay increases. They like to claim they are saving us from some disaster, but their science is almost all lies. Fear is what they sell...fear...fear..and more fear all to scare more money out of our pockets. They love only 3 things fatter pay checks, power over us, and ruining religion, they are mostly democrats, Atheists, government workers, and a little bit socialists?
The Green Mafia 2. is cross linked with the Global Warming Mafia somewhat but are not as heavily employed by the government and actually care more about environmental issues then just getting a pay increase. They announced this week they intend to make at least 1/3 of the U.S. into parks or wilderness, translation they intend to cleans the countryside of thousands maybe even millions of people, farmers, ranchers. They want to push us God fearing country folk into city ghettos so they have endless parks for themselves and their animals to play in. Don't count on getting your turn in these parks, one of my brothers belonged to one of these groups, they have clever ways of making it too difficult for normal people to visit the parks. They are the land thugs trying to regulate ranchers and farmers out of existence, rob them of water rights, and sometimes they even commit arson against us...yes I can cite real proven cases on that out here. They make their money either from environmental jobs in the government or through environmental businesses using the government to force customers to buy their over priced unsafe products, like mercury filled green lights

green soap that doesn't melt and plugged up our dishwasher so bad it burnt out,

and hugely overpriced windmills and solar stuff. The Greens are more city socialists, democrats, non Christian, and they do not believe in free markets, or even in free choice for us. They think the world will be perfect if they get to turn us all into little hand puppets to march about, and cage us in gettos so they can pig all their huge parks for them selves.
The Free Trade Banker Wallstreet Mafia 3. are more Republicans mostly because they hate paying any taxes at all, and some of them pay Zero Taxes now, or even get money back from the government with their evil tax dodging schemes. They bribe congress to overturn laws and regulations so they can rob the little people and steal rivers of tax money from the government treasury. They also play the Foreign currency and labor markets to get rich and are presently stealing billions from the treasury directly, and indirectly, I'm not joking on this printed cash is being handed out and that over printing of cash will destroy all our savings soon....the American dollar is about to be worthless. These guys worship only money $ and may claim to be Christian but are evil, and some even have been caught using slave labor in their sweat shops. They are destroying Americas entire market and labor system and they will generate a Great Depression soon at the rate they are going. But they may soon lose many of their factories to looming wars and nationalization, with amuses me, you guys complete, greedy, short term thinking, Godless idiots, it serves you right, I hope you lose everything.
And lastly my least favorite Mafia 4. that may have just got caught trying to kill me 2 Hell fire missiles were just caught being shipped to Portland north of me. I just gutted the CIA big time on Hell Fire missiles being given to possible terrorists, maybe one was headed poetic retrobution for my car.

Was that the plan CIA? this is the wrong side of the country for those shipments to come in on from the middle east, and terrorists prefer to go for D.C. and New York not cow country where Mael lives. Moo!

Anyways! if that was the plan? Providence smiled on me again, looks to me like they if they were they maybe were going to pin it on the Russians

the shipment came out of Serbia.
Anyways back to the subject at hand this Mafia is a unholy mix of CIA+Oil and Defence manufacturers they are all fully intertwined the CIA uses oil companies to insert personnel the money and interests of all three are so mixed now it is impossible to say who is running the show. They are one big giant evil blob and getting killed millions of men, women, grandpaws, Grandmas, children babies, and even thousands of pet dogs and cats killed

by starvation in abandon homes Iraq and Syria.
They like to wave the flag and talk about protecting us from terrorism, but they only love government contract money, and oil money. They arm terrorists using our tax money faster than the Army boys can kill them, they are cold hearted killers for prophet $ and don't care at all how many of our sons and daughters die fighting to clean up the messes they make.
I dislike them extra much for all the harm they have caused me and America.
I hope my fans find some value in this post it has years of thought and pattern searching in it, I am not just making fun of people, these things are very real as far as I can tell, and some people involved in them may be innocents swept up in the rhetoric of the movements....I have no issue with is just the evil masterminds behind the curtain of lies that I'm going after.
My best wishes to the rest of you I hope you can look deep into these things and see what is really going on in America for your selves....go investigate don't take my word for it see for your selves....the evil corrupt games being played.
Maelstom just trying to hold back the
Black Tide at little bit.