Okay I have been stuggling to find all the texts, the one I wanted most has eluded me so far, I clearly heard the wrong book in the Bible for it, and it is not showing up in a easy place to find it.

Anyways a minister on 3ABN was talking about the end times, and if I heard him right he quoted Jacob telling his sons they would see the time of trouble? perhaps I heard it wrong?

Anyways it got me to thinking what if the texts saying Elijah, and I think John the Baptist showing up at the end times are literal?
There is this huge debate that has raged between me and my father over the 144,000 for 2 years. He says he can prove they go through the end times and some texts seem to indicate that....On the other hand I say the Bible clearly places them as first fruits from the cross and its resurrection.
How can they be in two places?
So I am not 100% on this but there are parts of the end times with held in the 7th scroll, and we know the winnowing of the good and wicked happens. I believe God will show himself somehow to part the waters during the Latter Rain, and the Good will move towards God, and the evil will harden their hearts and move towards Lucifer in their nature.
If the 144,000 return at the beginning of the Later Rain to show to all the fruits of living in Gods ways in heaven, and show to all men the nature of Gods kingdom....who will be left with any doubt when the close of probation rolls in?
What man with a good heart could listen to Enoch and Elijah speak and not choose heaven...and any who refuse would fall firmly into the arms of darkness?
I am not certain on this more study is needed, but my father thew everything he had at me, and so far nothing has blocked this interpretation. And many of his texts and even quotes from our prophet Ellen White ended up supporting my view of the first fruits, there even was a reference to Jacobs time of trouble in end times.
I'm sorry I could not find the Jacobs time of trouble reference in the Bible yet, maybe someone can help me?
here is the Ellen white reference Page 101 "this was the time of Jacob's trouble". From: Christian Experience and Teachings of Ellen White.
Revelation chapter 14 firmly shows the first fruits thing, and seems to show the them being like Enoch thing as well. My father claims the old Hebrew should read Greatest Fruits not First fruits...this is possible? but fruits of the grave seem to be mentioned with Jesus'es resurection so I'm not sure that blocks this at all.

As we still end up with one group the 144,000 showing up in two places, the first coming and second coming.
Revelation: 7: 14 seems to connect the 144,000 to the tribulation? but is not absolute...I think our prophet had quotes making that more clear ....I didn't have time to copy them all sorry! my father wanted to go to bed and he has the Bible and E. White search program, in his room.
But the conflict of the 144,000 showing up at both of the Messiahs comings remains, and I at the moment see the only solution for making the Bible correct, (which is required), to have the Most godly men selected by God at the resurection or before like Enoch and Elijah returning to help sweep in the last harvest of souls for God.
If anyone sees a critical text I missed let me know? it is a most interesting puzzle...to see Enoch and Elijah again would be most impressive don't you think? I would like to live to see that.
For some reason I heard Galatians for that text on Jacob...most puzzling?

it makes no sense....I did however stumble on a interesting remark by Paul while looking for my text Galatians CH: 3 , verse 17 The law introduced 430 years later, does not set aside the covenant previously established by God and thus do away with the promise....there is more and it cites Abraham directly in verse 18
Paul is saying the new covenant does not cancel out Gods promises to Abraham...Israel is a part of Abraham's promise in my opinion I'm sure I can find more on that latter if needed.
It is unwise to go up against Gods word many men have tried and failed, if it is in the book it will happen.
My best wishes to everyone....if you need a clue on the other new Bible thing I mentioned in Revelation 11 the standard interpretation is the 2 lampstands are the New Testament and old testament, (The Torah), Bible who was nearly destroyed in the dark ages by a Bible burning Campaign.
What are the 2 last Lamps burning in this world today for the original truths of the 2 covenants of God???
If I am correct on seeing the second prophetic match? I can read to some degree a number of new prophetic events, some are good in a way, and others quite grim. I am not sure making this public at this time is wise, more than one powerful party will be most unhappy.
Maelstrom is not going to be very popular.
P.S. Germany Please do not make a law mixing pork with Halal meat in your markets...that is not a kind, respectful, or Godly thing to do, Muslims and Jews are not the only ones who would feel persecuted by such a act.