Russia I really want those big bore silo subs preserved some how, and the Rockets as would be nice if you renamed those rockets I can't bear that evil name.

I am aware of the stupid idiotic Salt treaty thing I don't care how you get it done, rip the treaty up, stall and work around that wretched useless piece of theater, just get it done, I need good heavy lift submarine rockets to give you what you need. I also would prefer no subs that are still salvageable for civilian use go to the breaking yards, and anything use-able be protected if possible from further damage by the elements if possible? That goes for any ships that could serve as support platforms as well, and any discarded old but still usable oil drilling equipment.
If this goes forward I am unfriendly to any outside American presence on Russia's eastern coast line I have not decided what to do about the White sea, Atlantic, and Meditranian areas yet.
I will likely barring any unforeseen events divine or human be relocating primarily to Russia's eastern islands. A corporation doing a 1/3, 1/3, 1/3, split will be formed, between me, Russia, and Israel....details to be negotiated by my representative and me at respective embassies if he agrees to take on the job as my ceo, you will understand when you meet him, there is no one better.
I would prefer Russia restrain Iran on terrorism funding and weapon supplying against Israel, and push for a direct meeting and settlement on the Yemen war it is making me very nervous....a very evil prophecy lurks down there, very bad for everyone.
The Saudies need to pull back too messing about too much near the descendants of Mohamed in Yemen is not a good idea. And the Saudies should stop funding wars and terrorism it too helps no one including their own kingdom. I am tired of the stupid pipe line wars, market price points change $, gas and oil fields move over the long term, I think Oil and Gas tankers are a better investment for the most part, as no one really knows to whom, and where, they will end up selling gas and oil to anyways.
I would prefer Israel removed any NATO deployments from the Greek Turkish zone you are stepping on a personal interest of mine, I am not friendly to any NATO presence in Turkey at all. NATO counties should move your bases some where south of Turkey. And NATO and CIA deployments in any former Russian territories between the Black sea Caspian sea is not acceptable.
I would prefer NATO exited Turkey immediately Turkey is ISIS territory. I want ISIS OBLITERATED from the face of the earth, they are infidels in every sense of the word, they have no place in this world and should be hunted to the ends of the earth for their sins against women and children.
I don't really care what you do with your borders Israel, just don't get sucked into the American Turkey ISIS mess....anything else is your business, do whatever needs to be done.
And don't get drawn into the American Russian conflict it is not to your benefit at all, I don't care if you get help from America but remember I am watching carefully. Do not move Americans into your Nuclear program....very bad things may if you let them near me....I will not accept a breach from any quarter.
Your major contribution will be personnel, security, and intelligence you will be expected to step up on those fronts you will be asked to do things that have some risk, nothing in life is entirely free. Elat will be your main base if possible? I am not sure what the water depth is there, my apologies to Elat you may get sliced up a little...but lots of jobs will come.
The west Russia situation is in flux so I will have to consult with Putin directly to see what he thinks is best.
Of course everyone will sit down and go over what is best later, and Putin's knowledge of what is possible will be critical, nothing can be done without his help.
I am not showing my entire hand you will have to earn that the hard way.