Sigh! Actually I do know enough to preach....seeing all the invisible social, economic, and military patterns is easy for me. What I have difficulty with in life is the more simple day to day things.
Anyways maybe I owe a small apology to Israel and Russia, I think to big, and go for the path of maximum effect in minimum time, but the wheels of the world turn more slowly.
Minimum start up needs is more like 1 old discarded freighter big enough to house a modest sized Iron smelter, a heavy machine and welding shop, and a aluminum smelter.
2 small roughly matching freighters or large fishing processors still in usable condition to build a sea tender platform. And some phone line laying winch drums, and a usable decompression chamber, plus certain semi-military grade under water sensors...etcetra....
1 small old usable supply freighter to run cargo and supplies.
1 medium depth decommissioned diesel submarine of modest size.
And 1 decommissioned but usable deep water sub or rescue sub.
And a modest budget to feed 50 to 100 men and buy steel tools and repair parts.
I know Russia has some ships and subs rusting out there that may be salvageable? for most of this list.
I do think Putin has made heroic efforts to rebuild Russia from the Soviet Collapse and he deserves much credit for this even if personal rights and civil law issues need improving, we have trouble on those fronts in the U.S. now too unfortunately.

I think Putin's Idea to convene meetings of Russians from the 4 corners of the country and departments to search for long term ways to improve Russia in all ways so Russia's people have better lives and Russia becomes a stronger wealthier country is very wise....I tip my hat to Putin in respect maybe you will become like King Solon like I hoped yet...and leave a great legacy for your people. I saw that this might be what you wish in your heart more than power and money, it was why I was willing to gamble on you Putin. I know your job is dreadfully hard and dangerous, and wish you luck on finding the best path to hold your country together while making it better, and safer for your people, remember that the small people are the true heart of a country if you care for and protect them they will be the small seeds that grow into a powerful country.
I do not know what Israel has rusting in the desert perhaps they have the tools I need?
My Rose of Sharon thing for the Negev Desert really is quiet brilliant, Israel you should take me seriously on this thing, it really will help you be self more sufficient on the farming. I think this is wise to have that ability in the long term looking at the blockade issues.
The same advice goes for Israel as for Russia think on your small people first, how to bring them jobs, and make their lives better, they are your future. The big corporations and rich can fend for themselves most of the time they are good at that.
I see world events do not favor me much on a number of fronts, time runs out on my dream quite a bit Sigh! I can not put all these fires out in the world with just words, some people are going to have to suffer some for turning away from God....this is the natural order of things in this evil world.
My best wishes to everyone out there trying to make their corner of the world a little better.
