My present situation is quite difficult the, U.S. government has virtually locked down all the Russian embassy diplomats, maybe this is because of the impending war?, maybe they are worried the Russians may really go after their Sky Beast program?, or maybe they want to pin me in because they realized just how close they came to losing me to the Russians and what colossal blunder it would have been? or maybe it is because the old guard atheist KGB boys are getting restless and spooking me by making veiled threats and rumblings against me in news agencies that should be backing Putin's wishes? Take your pick, my guess is all of the above so I have mixed feelings on all this.
I doubt Putin gave permission for these threats he is too smart to spook the dove before he has it caged, and this shows his fingers are slipping on the leashes of the old guard Atheist Strong Men a little in Russia.
Like in America the Russian Atheist hard liners see me as a threat correctly, and they moved too soon against me just like the U.S. Atheist defense scientist boys did, and underestimating me always costs.
I planned to come to Russia and I read Putin carefully I saw his heroic efforts to to rebuild the Greater Russia and I could see that his greatest desire was to see a Renewed Powerful Successful Russia. I knew that by some strange twist of fate God blessed me with the natural skills, knowledge, and vision, to get that wish of a greater Russia for Putin, and even more than he imagined. I counted on using this to bend Putin's soul and Russia toward God, and helping my people and defeating some evil men I don't like in my homeland would have been nice too.
But things now are what they are....evil seems to surround me on all sides even in my church I am now almost totally alone. Sigh! I doubt any this is accidental Lucifer realizes he blundered with me and his time is growing short.I expected from day one to suffer greatly because of what my work eventually naturally brings, (the Messiah), and little has happened so far that I did not foresee, except for Brexit, that I did not see coming, I feel Gods hand may have reached in and bent history a little there.
Anyways back to the subject at hand....Putin has a choice before him now, his days are numbered he is reaching the end of his career. It is obvious the the old guard Atheist Strong Men are already counting the grey hairs on his head and dreaming of reviving the good old days when they wore nice suits, drove around in limousines, drank wine, and ate caviar, while everyone in Russia lived grey fearful lives and stood in long lines to eat plain bread and potatoes.
I see Putin's time as leader ending in 3 ways, he can continue as things are and risk being overthrown in the short term like Gorbachev by impatient power hungry Atheist Old Guard Strong Men, or he can try to appease them to stay in power but maybe end up being shot like Nicolae Ceausescu when the Atheist Strong men go too far and cause a general revolt by the Russian people upset by poverty and abuse, or Putin can choose to find a new path like King Solon and work to slowly lock in better laws and reforms to protect the working Russians peoples rights and properties. And he can make the Russians peoples lives happier and more prosperous by putting the old evil ways, and strong men out to pasture for good.
As for you old KGB boys you will get nothing from me, if you come for me, except maybe my Gaurdian Angels sword stuck in your back. My Angel has already saved my life once so your odds may not be as good as you think. Maelstrom
Hi Mael. I have been reading your Nuclear Warning posts with some interest. I have a question for you. What, exactly, is the US "Sky Beast Program"?