Magical Pattern Auspie
Whatever!...the truth always comes out sooner or later and you find out who your real friends are?
Here is your post I promised, it is much reduced, I don't feel like playing any more, no one plays nice!
I took my losses, it is everyone elses turn now...I don't feel like trying much any more...I strike my colors on all fronts unless God says other wise.
I don't care any more I've taken enough damage.
They, (the U.S. Space Defense), are gearing up for their Z.M.F. drum canon tests, and spent a huge pile of money for a lovely cover story. I'm not going to bother to tell you how I know this....because I'm craaaaaaaazy right?????
Enjoy the space fireworks I hear they took the time to make them real colorful
I have to dodge these creeps for the rest of my life, while you all get live blissful happy lives.
Maybe I'm mistaken on everything nothing is wrong in the world, God is not trying to fix things, he doesn't need to, he's busy playing checkers. There are no fields of sand dotted with Baby skulls like turnips in Iraq...I was mistaken everything is okay ...I just had bad reception...everything is fine everyone is eating icecream and cake in need to worry what could possibly go wrong?
I don't even feel like doing this post any more but here it is.
Perhaps my reading is too generous but I like to try to be more fair than most men.
Revelation 18: verse 21 Then the angel picked up a boulder the size of a millstone and threw it into the sea, and said: "with such violence the great city of Babylon will be thrown down,
Normally this used to say un-nice things about Rome and the Catholic church but I feel the proper reading may possibly have been missed. If you backread some verses you will see the Great city is clearly a great, or the greatest world trading center....this hardly fits Rome today.
I can not find the other stupid text at this moment, memorizing text is one thing I'm totally un-savant at unfortunately all tho I have a excelent longterm memory for general content and patterns.
But I'm fairly certain it says the (image) of the beast is can a thing be a image (likeness) and be the original at the same does not seem right to me.
since todays Catholic church is original....then something new comes to to replace and usurp its name and do great evil.
But if the present Catholic church is overthrown....then how can we blame things done in the future on it when it isn't even around any more? That would seem slightly unfair to me?
My churches prophet Ellen White did say not to pick on the catholic church too much, maybe she saw something like this coming I don't know?
I have decided not to go into great detail on who the great City really is....I think if I'm correct it is fairly obvious. And you will see why I fear the government unity movement as I believe government corruption will be the real driving power behind everything evil at the end. In the end it is always about money not theology, and there is no end to the amount of money big government needs to squeeze out of everyone, and dipping into church treasuries will be their last attempt to keep the money flowing in to feed all the endless government fat cats. Stamping religion on the tax collecters forehead does not change anything it is still same old game rob the peasants until they starve.
I don't suppose I need to point out which world power, and massive international trade city likely gets flattened, and how poetically close the weapon used is to what I have been writing about all along. There are only 3 parties who likely know how build and fire that weapon presently, I am not going any where near Rome I can tell you that right now, but I'm not real happy with another party, but I have nothing presently to do anything with so only God him self could make that happen.
That leaves God or (Huston + area 51)...I say Rome is not the likely we have a bloody coup? or God personally teaching some people, (not on my most loved list), a divine lesson.
And if you Catholics look close I just pointed out who will overthrow your church...all roads converge on one spot...if I am correct it seems....and maybe I'm wrong....but a move west of a certain seat will prove me right now wont it?
GO read it for your selves don't take my word for anything...checking is good!
I decided not to read the battlefield part much I think everyone is tired of me, so go figure it out yourselves.
Sorry for all the bad opera! and whatever!

Here is your post I promised, it is much reduced, I don't feel like playing any more, no one plays nice!
I took my losses, it is everyone elses turn now...I don't feel like trying much any more...I strike my colors on all fronts unless God says other wise.
I don't care any more I've taken enough damage.
They, (the U.S. Space Defense), are gearing up for their Z.M.F. drum canon tests, and spent a huge pile of money for a lovely cover story. I'm not going to bother to tell you how I know this....because I'm craaaaaaaazy right?????
Enjoy the space fireworks I hear they took the time to make them real colorful

I have to dodge these creeps for the rest of my life, while you all get live blissful happy lives.
Maybe I'm mistaken on everything nothing is wrong in the world, God is not trying to fix things, he doesn't need to, he's busy playing checkers. There are no fields of sand dotted with Baby skulls like turnips in Iraq...I was mistaken everything is okay ...I just had bad reception...everything is fine everyone is eating icecream and cake in need to worry what could possibly go wrong?
I don't even feel like doing this post any more but here it is.
Perhaps my reading is too generous but I like to try to be more fair than most men.
Revelation 18: verse 21 Then the angel picked up a boulder the size of a millstone and threw it into the sea, and said: "with such violence the great city of Babylon will be thrown down,
Normally this used to say un-nice things about Rome and the Catholic church but I feel the proper reading may possibly have been missed. If you backread some verses you will see the Great city is clearly a great, or the greatest world trading center....this hardly fits Rome today.
I can not find the other stupid text at this moment, memorizing text is one thing I'm totally un-savant at unfortunately all tho I have a excelent longterm memory for general content and patterns.
But I'm fairly certain it says the (image) of the beast is can a thing be a image (likeness) and be the original at the same does not seem right to me.
since todays Catholic church is original....then something new comes to to replace and usurp its name and do great evil.
But if the present Catholic church is overthrown....then how can we blame things done in the future on it when it isn't even around any more? That would seem slightly unfair to me?
My churches prophet Ellen White did say not to pick on the catholic church too much, maybe she saw something like this coming I don't know?
I have decided not to go into great detail on who the great City really is....I think if I'm correct it is fairly obvious. And you will see why I fear the government unity movement as I believe government corruption will be the real driving power behind everything evil at the end. In the end it is always about money not theology, and there is no end to the amount of money big government needs to squeeze out of everyone, and dipping into church treasuries will be their last attempt to keep the money flowing in to feed all the endless government fat cats. Stamping religion on the tax collecters forehead does not change anything it is still same old game rob the peasants until they starve.

I don't suppose I need to point out which world power, and massive international trade city likely gets flattened, and how poetically close the weapon used is to what I have been writing about all along. There are only 3 parties who likely know how build and fire that weapon presently, I am not going any where near Rome I can tell you that right now, but I'm not real happy with another party, but I have nothing presently to do anything with so only God him self could make that happen.
That leaves God or (Huston + area 51)...I say Rome is not the likely we have a bloody coup? or God personally teaching some people, (not on my most loved list), a divine lesson.
And if you Catholics look close I just pointed out who will overthrow your church...all roads converge on one spot...if I am correct it seems....and maybe I'm wrong....but a move west of a certain seat will prove me right now wont it?
GO read it for your selves don't take my word for anything...checking is good!
I decided not to read the battlefield part much I think everyone is tired of me, so go figure it out yourselves.
Sorry for all the bad opera! and whatever!