Yeah! NASA didn't like my remark about their live camera editing on the space station to hide the Beast flying in and out of Area 51. They went to the trouble of posting a ridiculous rebuttal story from CNN on my home page, some nonsense about blue screen reboots. I did not post that on just one recent youtube clip, I have been seeing a steady stream of those clips with remarks about camera shutdowns for months. Take a long walk off a short pier NASA....I know you sold out to the boys who humiliated could have chosen to back me instead of taking their dirty money. I was worth more over the long run then them, and you are going to get your wings clipped by them, you are going to end being museum tour guides.
They are not really going to share their dark program with you, you are are a Air Force chew toy from here on out.
I hear the U.S. navy has gone to a war footing against China 10 out of 11 carriers are now off China. I didn't know they even had that many carriers that were operational, and standard carrier patrol is 6 carrier groups 3 in dock and 3 at sea.
This is highly unusual we may be within spitting distance of a full blown war between 2 nuclear powers. This is uncharted territory, there have been proxy wars but never have 2 nuclear powers faced off directly.
God help us all!
I suppose this is why God had me wait? there is no telling who will be left standing after this war is over.
Perhaps it was wrong of me to ask for the 5th. thunder, I run ahead of God too much, and my other dream clearly seemed to indicate some sort of misfortune rolling in for the Texas bunch perhaps they are already doomed on another front.
I will continue to plead anyways just in case I win Gods ear, it costs me nothing, and he hammered them real good with the flood.
P.S. I am not playing around here I am not crazy and I meant every word I said about Lucifer in the last post literally...I was Not! speaking allegorically. He did trick me in a dream into finishing my Zero Mass sub-Atomics and it was real NASA Devil worshipers that ended up most likely running a Honey trap to get my deadly work, from what I've pieced together.
I am not making this up...the girl converted to Christianity but her family are still as far as I know confessed members of the Church of Lucifer.
This really is a Auti Savant Preachers son fighting the Church of Lucifer, with NASA, Air Force, and Darpa, and Area 51 all rolled up into it...I could not make up something this bizarre if I tried.
Don't believe me if you wish I can't prove everything yet, but the circumstantial case is fairly strong now I have the government on the run they have made some big mistakes showing their hand.
No P.R. blitz is going to erase this....I have already drawn enough countries in...I am sure they are confirming my story, why do you think the Chinese and Russia are deploying their armies and navies? They know they are in big trouble when Air Force rounds up enough Dark matter to jump to a level 2 Zero Mass Field planetary siege weapon.
America is probably going to take some nukes soon, because these NASA boys cheated me. I still don't understand why they didn't just pay me off the first time I posted....they are a bunch of lunatics.
Maybe Lucifer bent their minds, I see no rational reason for going the direction they chose...pure suicide...the entire planet is going to be looking for a way now to take them down, just to survive.
They don't get to just fight me, and my God, they have to fight off everyone, every day, every week, every month, every year, until the Good Lord comes.
There is no way to fix this now, you government boys underestimated me, and both our necks are in the hangman's noose now, (the cat is out of the bag and not going back in), it's a all out fight for survival now...for all sides.
I could point out what prophecy this fulfills...Sigh! but what is the point...everyone already knows.
People choose to believe or not to! facts have little to do with it.

I could use a few Godly hero's maybe? in the coming years if God chooses to bless me enough to move forward....I'm afraid the danger level has jumped considerably now. It is not for the faint of heart, any money made may not be worth it. I have my back to the wall...I have nothing to lose...I will soon be a liability just for breathing, I am expendable when they think they have matched my work.
I guess it doesn't matter I have already killed them all anyways...I had all exits covered with Angels of death from day 1...surrender was their only survival option.

I have seen my self on Armageddons Battle line...killing me before then may prove difficult...
No idea on how you will ever find me...sorry no easy way right now.
Best wishes Maelstrom
