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Nuclear warning

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"Sigh! I seem unable to stop posting there is always one more thing to fix in the world,:confused: what am I to do?"

That is the drawback to living in a material world, rather than a world of ideal forms.
"Sigh! I seem unable to stop posting there is always one more thing to fix in the world,:confused: what am I to do?"

That is the drawback to living in a material world, rather than a world of ideal forms.
Yes tree ,but I am a Idealist through and through....I love to look for the perfect path ...the perfect pattern. The disparity between the perfection possible and what is, weighs heavily on me at times, sometimes it is almost unbearable. I see everywhere the shadowy fingers of darkness, sadness, and lost hope, and beautiful could have been's.
People do not realize just how much is lost when one small kindness or honorable act is not dropped into the pool of the waters of the world, to send ripples outwards warming many hearts.
The concept of chaos theory is really incorrect, everything is connected some how in the universe, and nothing happens that does not leave a mark on the universe somehow.

Everything is connected.....everything either makes the world better or worse....no act is neutral.

Life on earth is a continual war between Darkness and Light there are no Neutral parties.
Choose your side or it will be chosen for you.
There is no escape from the war between good and evil.
My basic feeling tree ,is yes none of us will be perfect...no we do not have 300 years of personal walks with God to become like Enoch. But if we don't give up and try for to look for ways every day to attain that Goal of Perfect Godliness in ourselves, in our families, and in our country, then at least if we fail we will still end up with fairly happy lives and a decent place to live in.

I am talking about fighting for personal virtue, not church membership, the two are not the same thing. But people who think law and education alone are enough are fooling them selves, look at how the Soviet Empire ended, they could not generate enough citizen goodness with their Atheist Education system to even keep bread on the store shelves....or their country from falling to pieces.
The Soviet ideal of goodness just from education failed miserably, there is a certain elusive magic of the heart that is required to reach true virtue. This personal state of true virtue seems to flow best from growing personally close to God....church helps us some by reminding us to purse that closeness with God, but it is still not the same thing at all.
The magic of a caring heart still is the ultimate goal of for heaven and earth.
Well I did some more research on the books text...Kanji is very similar in texture, but block printed standard Chinese is likely a very good match too. I am not sure whether that is old standard Chinese..sorry!
Seeing as the Lady in the dream with it came from a province very close to Confucius I'm (guessing) the book style originates in some form from that area, and maybe in Confucius'es time?

I am not very familiar with history of Chinese texts and books so forgive me if my guesses are poor.
So looking at the meager amount of symbol explanations that I could see clearly in the picture mode, here is a possible translation of the one symbol I can sort of still remember in my minds eye.

The top symbol had a roof shape close to the person and fire symbol, the 2 hatch marks matched the father symbol better in positioning but the roof peak was not crossed.

I think next were some lines coming up matching the mountain symbol....and mountains were heavily present in the dream.

Last on the bottom was the book symbol...it matches well.

So here is my reading as best as I know how to read it...And I swear on the Holy Book I never looked at any of these things ever before I wrote of the dream.
Merging the fire, person, and Father, symbols to make...one symbol...which does not likely exist in Chinese

My reading is: Person Father of Fire, on the Mountain, with the Book.

Or in Christian terms...The Holy Father burning with fire stood on the mountain and gave the world his book of 10 Holy laws of virtue written with his burning finger in stone...so all the world could learn his Holy ways.

So if this is correct my dream seems to read the evil men of the Frog who hate the men of the 10 commandments will hunt me and chase me and try to steal, (devour), my sight of God? (Or the False Prophet comes)...this would be very bad news if it is so.:confused: all is lost!
I do not know what the mountains and woman in China mean...it could mean the church will have to flee to the mountains there...or something else?
The wall I saw was actually more a simple fort with smooth yellow orange walls it had a archers parapet but no arrow notches in the top of the wall...it was at the end of a long narrow path winding through many tall mountains...I do not know what it may mean yet perhaps it has to do with the silk road.
I do not see yet how I would end up in China?:confused: this I do not see at all presently! Yet?

I do not know if the dream is a warning for the faithful in China or me or both?:confused: I do not know!:( Sorry!
Maybe more time will show it...like with the other good dreams did!

As too the frog I know very well what it means, (it is written in Revelation), and know who my hunters are...a ancient deadly Enemy Awakes to walk the face of earth again....I showed kindness and I am rewarded with death.

Gods message from the dream is simple, and it is not from me...Return to the 10 True Holy Laws while there is still yet time.
Do not use the bad Bibles to read those 10 Laws either, they were changed.

Maelstrom:confused: :runner::eek:(((......:wolfface::wolfface::wolfface::wolfface:(((( there were 4 hunters I think?
Well I guess I messed up a bit....I have been combing the news with my auti eye endlessly for matches to my dreams and forgot to look in the Bible for matches enough...silly stupid me.:(
anyways I was impressed to look up the word subject matches in the back of the Bible this time and I got most of the answers I needed.
a small note: the glass eye that was stolen and swallowed was sitting in a bowl of stones in my hands, the eye re-appeared shattered on the stones. The frog thing is not listed but well know as a evil horror of the Dark side in Revelation. In the dream I fled with great haste flying through the mountains following a orange path to the orange stone fortress cut from solid stone. Fleeing to the mountains is something the Holy do at end times.

Some of these texts and chapters are good enough to carry as life compasses...I read the whole chapters with the following texts.
Stones: Matt 3:9, Matt 4:3, 1 Pet 2:5

Eyes: Ps 34:15, Ps 121:1, Jer 5:21, Gal 4:15

Fortress: 2 Sam 22:2

I am very tired and ill...and it looks like God has shut me down for the time being on everything...I wish everyone well.
I should maybe point out the Class 2 Dark Energy Battleship rolls in very soon, 2 years at the most likely, and a massive nuclear first strike risk against the US comes with it. But it would seem for the time being it is written that the US survives for now....somehow?:confused:

I am done, barring further instructions:confused:...I can do nothing more without divine help or permission.

My radiation warning is partially lifted for American air bases, as the Russians have posted on RT.com the possible imminent crash of the air forces stage 1 dark energy zero mass prototype space ship off Madagascar.
If it is not the air forces crippled robot ship, which likely has a similar hollow basket shape on its front for holding meteors or dark matter from the solar systems edge, than I still think it is likely out of commission by now due to heavy structural radiation damage.

That however is just the icing on the cake today, the real story is in the Time magazine the cover title FUSION. Thank you kindly Time magazine for handing me solid proof my government stole my work and everyone but me is getting rich off it.
My physics indicate that the secret to true clean white, (low radiation) fusion energy sits on the same shelf as the philosophers stone, (sarcasm). I do know how to make tons of energy out of the fusion process, but it is definitely not clean white fusion.
The fact that the government is poring huge amounts of money into star shaped colliders did not escape my notice, there are only 2 uses for the product those make best, and I already checked the government sites they are cutting back on nukes big time....they have something hot and new waiting in the wings to replace them.
That leaves me, I am likely the only person on the planet right now who knew the true structure of dark energy lines well enough to know the missing third item needed for a Z. M. field to work. And it is not a thing that a person would be able to stumble on easily in a test as the secret ingredient isn't something anyone in their right mind would choose, nor is it readily available, and it is very hard to make. Even I only spotted it by shear accident looking at some unrelated nuclear work, and I understood immediately its second use. I also spotted the other machine needed the same day and knew its second use as well.
So they are almost certainly going full bore now for level 2, and once they achieve level 2 by obtaining enough Dark matter they will be faced with the temptation of total military supremacy over our solar system. To maintain total military supremacy they will need a excuse to eliminate all nuclear programs and particle colliders + fusion machines. Only a American city nuked would be enough of a excuse for such a drastic action world wide. It will of course be called a terrorist attack or blamed on Russia or France, (France is building the nicest fusion reactor), but odds are it will be a false flag attack. And there goes freedom of speech and everything else, anyone who squeaks will be dragged of to jail, and be falsely charged as a terrorist etcetera....etcetera...etcetera...the end of nice America.

And the end of me too....If my country moves against me in any way, I request protective asylum from the first country to rescue me by whatever means necessary, as long as that country respects my freedom of religion and speech, and keeps me alive. I am likely the last best hope of bootstrapping a serious Deterrence program to them in time...if that is even possible.

I never expected things to get this bad this quick, I figured on something like 30 years for testing and development, I didn't know about the other parallel programs at the time.
We are now entering phase 2 the long knives come out and blood runs....sorry I can not stop human nature. I gave fair warnings over and over and over....I'm not giving any more, there is no point in it, so buckle up folks turbulent air ahead with mushroom clouds on the horizon....Maelstrom out!

If I didn't see the beauty of sacred geometry in my head I might think you mad, but I share your vision. I've watched the patterns and have come to a similar conclusion. Any written communication on the web are uploaded through the NSA and other black ops before they reach the intended ricipiant. So I pray for all of our safety. I know I can produce free clean energy from sea water. It is after all Hydrogen and Oxygen, both combust able gasses that can sustain current engines and be made cheaply and efficiently. Power isn't the "power" they pretend to be pumping trillions into, it's really the stripping Us the people of our powers. It's all about control, conformity, and subservience. Most are too blind and conditioned to SEE these patterns. But here us "Non-normals" get to see visions and patterns. I have been planning on this for decades, hopefully you have too. Some of us have eyes to see. But big brother hires hundreds of "us" to program their "machines". I'm not smart enough to save humanity from its self, but I know that I never needed this shitstem anyway. I value my freedoms, but big brother isn't the one granting me my freedoms. I don't know the answers, but a little light can cast out a LOT of darkness, even Dark Energy. The universe has been a shining example of this balance for 14+ billion years! Freedom wins, Tyranny dies a thousand deaths.
Sigh! no one is going to believe this post I am not even sure I like this post or this dream yet!:(
It appears the dream is a duel reference to the Chinese book (The Monkey King), or (The Journey West).
No this is not some trick....I have no clue what is going on here or if it is good or bad yet....the fortress maybe the Jade Gate I am not certain yet, as it looked slightly different in the dream with thinner walls and more mountains ringing it.
I have not decided yet for sure if the dream is Holy, or what to do with it, or what it all means, I have never seen this Chinese book before and I'm still picking through it to see what all the dream things mean. It may take a bit for me to sort.:(
I have not found a exact matching copy of the book yet to what I saw....but I'm guessing one is sitting out there somewhere in a Museum in China or Asia?
I am in way over my head on this dream stuff....I don't know how much of this I can take....everything is getting to be too much for me.:( I am not feeling this adventurous at all!:confused:
I m having a very bad time of things presently so I will not post, even tho I have a post coming. I am too tired and worn out by life.:(
I m having a very bad time of things presently so I will not post, even tho I have a post coming. I am too tired and worn out by life.:(

Do you like music my friend Mael?? I like classical full orchistra concerts, usually pieces written by Motzart or Bach. I'm challenged by these pieces, as I could easily focus all my efforts tuning out the orchistra to only hear one instrument like the beautiful strumming of a harp, or the deep tones of the Bass, or the Anjelic highs and lows of the Hammond organ. I could concentrate on any one instrument, yet by doing so, miss the whole appreciation of how time, space, and perception have created a magical moment where I can appreciate the perfection as the Master Conductor leads each instrument in harmony with all to create a bigger picture grander than any one instrument is capable of on its own. I would encourage you my friend to take a step or two back, and reevaluate the whole, not the parts. It's easy to lose sight of the forest for the trees. No human brain, savant or otherwise can understand the truly macro picture (eternity, theoretical Astro physics, or infinite galaxies), the smallest micro picture (string theory, theoretical partial physics, and the illusion of mass) AND this strange inbetween world we appear to be situated where we are forced to deal with people (one of the strangest things to study). Physics is so much easier for me to understand than people. People follow no rhyme or reason, despite all research, they/we commonly defy logic, and that defies my senses, all my data and tracking to find out "truth".

When I get frustrated with people, I come back to music, as I see it as an analogy of people, like instruments. Each playing a part in a grander orchistra, by some invisible time keeping Mistro Conductor. I would guess it would be difficult to play, listen, and lead at one given time. Whatever instrument you are, be in tune, know you are not the orchistra, only one part, and there is a much larger and smaller universe all around you every day that you have no control over. You only have control over you and your "vibrations", no one else can tune you in. I somehow know you understand the universal harmonic law. Calm your mind, listen to the music play, and when you're tuned in, play your part to the fullest of your ability... :) I'm going to listen to Bach now before I go to dream land. Best wishes and regards.
Do you like music my friend Mael?? I like classical full orchistra concerts, usually pieces written by Motzart or Bach. I'm challenged by these pieces, as I could easily focus all my efforts tuning out the orchistra to only hear one instrument like the beautiful strumming of a harp, or the deep tones of the Bass, or the Anjelic highs and lows of the Hammond organ. I could concentrate on any one instrument, yet by doing so, miss the whole appreciation of how time, space, and perception have created a magical moment where I can appreciate the perfection as the Master Conductor leads each instrument in harmony with all to create a bigger picture grander than any one instrument is capable of on its own. I would encourage you my friend to take a step or two back, and reevaluate the whole, not the parts. It's easy to lose sight of the forest for the trees. No human brain, savant or otherwise can understand the truly macro picture (eternity, theoretical Astro physics, or infinite galaxies), the smallest micro picture (string theory, theoretical partial physics, and the illusion of mass) AND this strange inbetween world we appear to be situated where we are forced to deal with people (one of the strangest things to study). Physics is so much easier for me to understand than people. People follow no rhyme or reason, despite all research, they/we commonly defy logic, and that defies my senses, all my data and tracking to find out "truth".

When I get frustrated with people, I come back to music, as I see it as an analogy of people, like instruments. Each playing a part in a grander orchistra, by some invisible time keeping Mistro Conductor. I would guess it would be difficult to play, listen, and lead at one given time. Whatever instrument you are, be in tune, know you are not the orchistra, only one part, and there is a much larger and smaller universe all around you every day that you have no control over. You only have control over you and your "vibrations", no one else can tune you in. I somehow know you understand the universal harmonic law. Calm your mind, listen to the music play, and when you're tuned in, play your part to the fullest of your ability... :) I'm going to listen to Bach now before I go to dream land. Best wishes and regards.
Yes normally I listen to Symphony music mostly on FM 90.3? perhaps I should go back to that more? (I got very bad feel off one of the songs from one of those Christian rock bands the other day, it was most puzzling as it was the band that look most sincere on the Christian stuff...very strange). But I do sometimes listen to more angry music when people are being bad to me or upsetting me. These last few years have been very hard on me with all the cold hearted people usury swirling around me.:confused:
Usury upsets me greatly.
I really don't understand the usury mentality it is foreign to me.....I always try to remember play fair, and consider the other persons welfare as much as I can.
Well I have been praying on guidance on the strange dream of the Chinese book, it worries me greatly. My brother of course tries to say all my dreams are evil, and likely he would say I am evil too if he didn't want me to follow him so bad. Sigh! I don't know what to do with him he is so obsessed with having someone follow him.....he doesn't seem to even know where he is going in life or anything.:(
In my opinion God picks humble leaders who do not crave power, or fame, or money, and sometimes he picks a special person suited with talents for a certain special situation.

Anyways I had a strange rambling dream on the UK and the Queen and Royals of all things, even tho I went to bed thinking on the Chinese book dream...strange?:confused: I had not been thinking on the UK at all hardly other than wondering a few days ago if I applied the wrong symbolism to the eye brandings on the faces in the dream where I saw the future leader of the UK Terresa May.

So in the dream I and my family were invited to see the Queen of England, when I arrived all the rich Royals looked on me with contempt and were not friendly at all. I approached the Lady who checks the guest list for the Queen and she took one look at me and said you are not admitted or something to that effect because I looked poor. And I said check the list please I have duties to do for the King...and she did not want to even look at the list to see if I was on it as a guest.
I had to repeat the request, I said again I have duties to perform for the King...and she finally reluctantly looked at her list....fighting broke out among the ranks of the Royals standing around her...and some of the older Royals fainted at the Horror of someone like me being admitted into the Royal Palace.
I finally was admitted the the Royal palace and I approached the Royal guard at the doors to the great hall and the same thing again started. The guard dressed in his fancy hat and red and yellow striped Royal guard costume or what ever you call it, looked at me like I was a dog. I had to repeat again and again that I had duties to preform that were required by the King. Finally dripping with utter contempt for me he turned aside and let me pass to enter the Royal Hall of the King.....and then I woke up.....I don't know what the dream means.:confused:

But on the dream of China I am still praying on it, but it looks to me maybe like the test of Abraham and Jacob. I am offered a perfect way to bend China to get what I want....or a reason to flee before the enemy to save my self.
But what does God truly want? and should I flee to a cave like the prophet Elijah did?:(
Does God want me to raise a potential nuclear Hell for earth in China?:confused:

Or perhaps time runs too short and my battle with the Sky Beast in Area 51 is now pointless?
Maybe saner heads are now controlling that Air Force program and they will know better than to attack Zion in Orion, or mess with heavenly planets in the sweet orbital zones in earths area and off into the stars in Zions direction?
And maybe the Pentagon has finally figured out showing that Sky Beast space ship will likely get the US promptly nuked by Russia, and China, and who knows who else, who do not wish to be slaves to American hegemony?
And last but not least, if time is so short because evil over-runs the hearts of men, I may buy just as much time for the people of earth by folding my hands on my nuclear full code, as I would using it to fry the entire US space and nuclear program.
In the end buying time for more divine converts for Heaven was my ultimate goal, not just getting revenge for crimes done to me.:(

As far as money goes from my nuclear code, I need some badly to survive and have a family but I have already lost 3 massive fortunes I could have had through America, Russia, and Israel....what is one more now to be given up for God?
I am locked into this Divine fight I may as well go down with the ship properly....as a Captain should?:confused:

No! surrender No! selling out!
I will wait for a God to show my heart the true path clearly! or wait for the Messiah or death.

My one regret is not finding a way yet to use what I have that God blessed me with to do more for him and helping others.
I have searched for years to find a new method to sweep souls in for God....the old ways do not work any more. Churches are growing empty everywhere, and Revival meetings draw only a few crumbs now. How can a man of God compete with TV, the Internet, an Life's busyness?
I have no interest in whipping a dead horse....I like real results....if I don't get them I try something new until something works. I thought for a time my elegant proofs making Darwin prove Gods existence, and my physics work decimating the Big Bang lie to kill off God, could be used to harvest some souls....but I am no longer convinced that is the way.
Maybe everyone is just going to have to look death right in the face to remember God and his first ways...I may have to reverse my entire position, God have mercy on all of Earth.

Maelstrom:confused:....God does not seem to want me to shut down this thread:confused: I really should to protect my self.Sigh!:confused:
I picked up a very nice possible back post, (article) on Huffingtonpost, on some comments associated with a dream post. I accept the basic remarks in the article...and I can take deserved criticism, it is true us world reformers can talk down to people too much.
I try to measure my words to get the desired result perhaps I failed with Israel? I may have overestimated their mental toughness. But I knew Israel is not very fond of change, and it would take practically a nuclear weapon to move them. I am still waiting patiently to see if any cracks are spiderwebbing through Israels monolithic dam of tradition?:confused:...somethings take time?

Russia I walked lighter with...until I found out I was most likely being played for a fool:(. Their governments position is now basically 100 % against me on all things, including my civil virtues I advocated. I could not help Russia now even if I tried...there is no point in it, they are Hell Bent on replaying the Soviet Empire game again. And they will get the exact same Doomed result as they did last time...I do not waste my time on Doomed efforts.

I will be walking softer line on things from now on...if one way does not work, another should be tried, a good end result is the proper goal.
I will be ending my fight with the US government as it is not helping much now, and there have been some fundamental shifts both on the political, and divine fronts, that change my position greatly.

I am not a revolutionary, I feel revolts tend to bring too much ethnic slaughter, lawlessness, and chaos. So I oppose the overthrowing of governments for humanitarian reasons, except in extreme cases where the government is actively committing acts of gross genocide and slaughter...like Turkey was doing to the Kurds...etcetera!
I also do not believe there is much point to exporting democracy, (if the need civil moral virtues), are not taught to the population somehow. I do not believe democracy works without a good solid base of citizens who follow good Christian and or civil moral virtues.
The vote is useless if everyone is just voting who gets robbed or killed next.:confused: : Maelstrom

I do firmly believe a strong moral civil virtues culture will, (automatically), generate much more wealth and power in a country.....and I stand by this belief 100 % I will never give up this belief...I believe it to be based on the natural laws of human nature.

I believe the natural GDP of a very evil country is about 1 % to 5 % of a very Godly country. :Maelstrom

Evil destroys a countries economic growth in many invisible ways that are not seen by most people. :Maelstrom

I stand by what I say, I have studied these patterns for many years like Confucius did, and I can make many solid arguments, and observations, on this subject that are not always seen.

Theft, and fear, destroy the faith people need to build economic empires, it is that simple! :Maelstrom
Stupid me I forgot to write the real thing I did that post for...:confused:

The floods down south have nothing to do with me I lifted any divine requests in Texas some time ago. I decided Air Forces Black Disjuction Field Space Program, (using my likely stolen work), will eventually lead to NASA's gutting by Air Force far worse than anything I can ever do to them. And the main NASA people involved have left to work for a certain company most likely anyways. I will take care of that lot at a later date if life and virtue permit it. I can always find some way later on to break and take whatever their evil hearts hold dear....if I choose to? Anyone can be reached no matter how powerful...no one is ever truly immune to a determined foe.
I may drop my blanket ban on US companies soon, it doesn't seem to have worked:(. But proof of no entanglements with my foes will be required....finding their evil names and deeds for me will increase odds of a deal also.
I'm guessing these guys have been ripped off stuff from some other ULA companies as well....I can provided substantual offsetting contract Leverage with my inside knowledge of my work and I have more new stuff than they do at the end of the day.:D
I am not making any promises yet tho....I still reserve the right to defend what little is left of my work that hasn't been stolen. And God still gets the final word....maybe I will throw everything away just to teach everyone a lesson? We will see?:( won't we?
Well its sort of a handful of sand for everyone but Hawkings he is busy cashing in on my cancelation physics
for Black holes that started this whole mess.:rolleyes:

The Russians ended up with nothing because they were to hard.

The Netaanyahu got a big bag of nothing on his defense deal because he chose American money bags $ and tradition over truth and God and me. His defense deal is hollow, and likely heralds the beginning of the end for Israel on that front.:( And his Turkey deal that he threw me over for, (along with the rivers of new defense sales and other valuable things I would have brought), is dead on arrival, Russia snaked the rug right out from under him...poetic justice of sorts I guess. Sigh!:( I take no pleasure from it it is a crying shame and a horrible tragedy.

Same for the Pentagon rivers of pointless damage to the countries defense for lack of a little honesty and fairness.:(

Everyone is losing everywhere as the darkness rolls in.:confused:

But maybe the storm drawing in Armageddon and WWIII is slowly cresting there are a few rays of hope peeking out here and there....of small new movements signalling a wind shift in some hearts and minds out there. Maybe my sacrifice was worth it and I won a small reprieve for humanity....only time will tell.
I am very tired, and my heart is worn out perhaps both emotionally, and physically?...I am not doing well in life on any front....I do not feel well.:(

I don't know if I will ever recover even the smallest fraction of what could have been for me....the smoking rubble in my life stretches over the horizon as far as I can see.:confused:

5 years of heroic battle with the Dark Prince, and the world, and nothing but bad health and a handful of ashes to show for it.:( There is no justice in this world....I should have ended up with Job's Empire, I had everything needed at my finger tips. And all I have now is ashes, God, the Holy book, and pottery shards for company.

Sigh! perhaps it is just as well money seems totally cursed anyways, all it seems to do is devour men's hearts and souls. And in the last day a poor sheppard with a Bible for his soul, and some goats :goat::goat::goat: for bread, will be envied by kings. The rich in the cities will learn to boil leather belts and shoes for food...and that is if they are even lucky enough to find water.

I still have a few blessings left I was saving for my new home country of refuge, perhaps I should start sorting them, and handing them out, before it is too late?

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I suppose I am going to have to dump my Nemesis in Gods hands...:( He has to live his whole life being a lame paper thief fake anyways....always living in fear of being outed publicly as a total fraud. I doubt he will in the end enjoy the ill gotten fruits of my work much....and he likely was too stupid to get much for it anyways, he would have gotten thousands of times more if he had worked with me instead. But I'm glad he didn't the idea of working with someone so evil gives me the shivers.

I still am looking for the Chinese fort from my dream the mountains and road look somewhat like the stuff around Heavens Gate....the end of the road was more a cupped valley of mountains. I don't know if the colors are right as it was sort of night fall with the setting sun more behind me maybe making the forts walls extra orange the walls were smooth no lines a simple square...a notch on the inside for men but no arrow notches in the wall. The sky was turning dark blue and stars just starting to come out...the mountains shadowed with grey-blue stone and blackish green trees in the falling night.
I can not remember if I went through Heavens gate to get to it...Sigh!:(
It seems I went up a bit before seeing the fort...the dream fades a little in my mind.:confused:
Do you keep a dream journal?

I keep my notebook for what I dream
next to my head, on the bed.
No I don't get these sort of dreams very often....I mostly get stupid anxiety dreams...lost homework and stuff....nothing worth remembering usually.
These dreams are very different....there is no feeling of my mind controlling the narrative...and the things seen are not memories I seem to have....not even from TV, or the internet.
I didn't know Chinese printing at all....it is all new to me.
I think the point of having a dream journal isn't
to record the dreams you think are pleasant or
interesting. I think it is to follow the workings
of one's mind.
I think the point of having a dream journal isn't
to record the dreams you think are pleasant or
interesting. I think it is to follow the workings
of one's mind.
Okay I will think on that tree but I hate most of my normal dreams they are mostly unpleasant anxiety attacks...and sometimes sort of repeat for years.
That is part of the usefulness of keeping a dream journal.
To observe the pattern of your dreams.
If there is a trend, it is worth examining.
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