I keep telling my self I will not post again at least for a long time.Sigh!

This thing I'm caught up in it is not fun for me it just seems to get worse and worse and worse!

It is just plain turning into a Horror show....I don't see how anything good for me or anyone else is going to to come from it any more.
Instead of attracting enough attention to sell my work and recover my lost money....I just seem to be swimming in a feeding frenzy of sharks and I'm the great whale

they all are fighting over to devour.
Anyways to the point I pleaded extra hard for divine guidance last night and I got it.....I feel like throwing up...I don't know how much more of this I can take.
Another dream dripping with piles of strange symbols and sayings and pictures I don't really understand.

It would seem two powerful new players are now in play on a serious level, one is the Great Wolf I spoke of that would overthrow my first enemies. It has entered the Fray with a vengeance and is not just targeting my enemies but me as well. I am being hunted....a great noose or net is being spread for me that spans the world....I am in serious trouble.

I have been marked it seems for capture and public destruction it would seem. Perhaps I was too generous on my reading of a certain end time prophecy...it would seem my dream says so.

It would also appear there is less time than I thought....my dream may heralded the arrival of the false prophet...or something worse....there were so many strange symbols I could not sort everything.

The frog, the all seeing eye, the lesser brothers hunting me, a wall blocking my escape, things reserved by God perhaps regarding the US, and some new symbols from the west I do not understand yet...most puzzling....very puzzling indeed....such a strange twisted path seems to come. Sigh!

I despair on understanding any of it in time to do me much good....it would seem I am hemmed in from all sides and Doomed if I try to flee!
I send my greetings too my new Nemesis.....I will assemble my armor of God as best I can to do battle such as he permits me to...I will not surrender to you!
He shows me you....you can not hide what you do!
Sigh! I am already so tired, and all I see is a endless horizon of more suffering, betrayal, and evil rolling in against me.

It seems almost the entire world marches against me, my fingers grow weary on holding the chains.

There was only one bright note in the whole dream and I understood it the least of all...I am not sure I read the Singapore dream correctly now either...Sigh!
I am left to guess on these dreams like a blind man, I do not understand the purpose of it at all....perhaps it is for someone elses benefit out there?
So strange the dream, flying junk sails and carpets, and spiked boxes holding frogs, and a shattered glass eye that was stolen and swallowed, winds lifting me up and mountains with walls and winds and hunters chasing me...it would seem I am to be silenced soon as well.

I will have to check but I seem to have had a dream vision of sort of loosely bound writings like that of Confucius they were narrow tall bamboo like pages with what looked like Chinese writing. The pages were light green with a sort of yellow bamboo color trim, and bound with loose loops of tied bamboo like strips...I had a very nice feeling when touching the bamboo book...I have no clue why or what it means at all...I personally was not leaning towards China...this is not from me.
2 things seem plain I am surrounded by traps, and I have no hope of making anything happen at all without divine help....God helps me or I'm toast.
My life is too strange I could use a little more quiet normal stuff.

I am getting tired of all this...maybe I am better off without my work it is cursed!