Everything is shut down for the time being....I have decided there is not much evidence, God sees much in the way of extra souls to be saved by dragging out the end time. So there is no point to me carrying on any of this fight any more.
So if everyone is already rushing in to steal all my nuclear secrets one way or the other. So Big Bang theory made to kill off God is dead, (I win that one), on everything else I lose on mostly.
Well if I get nothing and I didn't actually release this world Horror rolling in from my sub-atomic nuclear work than maybe I don't deserve any of the blame either?
If my Nemesis wants to claim my slaughter house for the world, nuclear work, and wear my name, and accept my rightful accolades, then let him own the dead too!
All 6 billion of them, and the death of his own churches God as well Lucifer....and all of Lucifer's host of Angels.
I renounce my claim to the fruits of my stolen nuclear sub-atomic work...I do not control it, therefore the blood of it it not on my hands. Let the Blood of all earth and the 1/3 of the heavenly host fall on the hands of my probable Nemesis from NASA and Air Force. Let him answer for the billions of future shrieking, and weeping dead.
I have done my best to fix what he has unleashed as much as possible, I am out numbered on all sides, the situation is impossible, I am tired, lonely, and ill, and my heart hurts most of the time, I don't want to do this any more.
I am going to go rest in my books, tend to my soul, do less dangerous things, and wait of God patiently.
Everyone can breathe a sigh of relief and pretend I am fake....except for the Golden few men of God who know better. For you men of God I say the time for separation is at hand....look for ways to remove your families from the cities and their evil influence if can. The cities will become a place of Horror, starvation, thirst, and death in the last days.
This is not the usual religious warning....I am speaking from direct inside scientific knowledge....and I personally stand to lose a enormous amount of money by accepting that the end is this near. And no I do not know for sure how close it is, but it is getting too close to safely bet against any more....that is the simple truth.
Of all my Holy Dreams the greatest was my first, one and it was the simplest one, a angel made the Holy book fly from a book case into my hands and said "
Read the Book", and it is the hardest thing to remember to follow.
My advice
to survive the end times is, in order of importance.
Pray for guidance, and enough strength to seek purity
every day.
Read the Bible....every day....even a few sentences is better than nothing.
Flee the cities....they are a evil death trap.
Flee the evil culture of the cities.....it is seductive death trap too!
I am no longer
pleading with Gods 2 Angels like
Abraham while overlooking Lots 2 evil home cities, for mercy for the world.
I will fight God no more! I accept his judgement that there are not enough souls left to be saved with more time, on holding back the 4 winds of world destruction....I stand aside.
It is finished!
If God asks me to I will release the full force my own Angel of death (the angel of all lost flesh). But I no longer think he will ask it....as I see a different path will move my angel forwards, by other hands, and the other 3 Angels of world death already march.
I found no refuge for me and my people and me, therefore I am not granted the power to hold back the evil tide for a time, with the 2 olive trees and lamp stands prophecy.
All that is left now is the last lines to be read in the play, everyone is dressed, and standing on their marks, only the curtain needs to be raised.... and?
....it is all finished!
You call me a fearmonger if you like, but you should note I am not really preaching from the Bible. this is real for me, and more from raw science, blood, and dirt. Betting against me is very a bad idea!