Magical Pattern Auspie
By the way I have some major posts coming that everyone may find entertaining....including a new peak into the future....
Everyone may like to think I'm nuts
But you have to admit I do put on a good show, and however badly I go down in flames....I do it in Grand Style
You get you dollars $ worth with Maelstroms life Opera.
Here is the coming menu
Is a Super Winter coming?

Why the odds on a attempt to murder God are now raised to 100%
Why odds of Maelstrom winning against the nuclear disarmament push to protect the Sky Beast are now 100%
And a question why is Maelstrom puzzled by the Meteor over Cypress?
That should make some hair stand on end around the world for a bit.
Ha! ha!
Who am I kidding I know I have eye balls glued to me in every major Government and physics center. You all are combing my words like a bunch of vultures with a fine tooth comb for anything of value to take from me.
Sigh! maybe I will end up the almost richest ever, beggar and sage born....but I still own the worlds eye balls for awhile.
I know perfectly well there are enough of you out there who verified my work and claims for me to be scaring the hair white on some very powerful people.
You all know I am not finished yet....God picked well I still have more Horrors to unveil....that is what I do best rip the veil of life in two from the top to bottom.
I am too horribly entertaining to look away from
.....what new Horror will Maelstrom say next and is it real?
That is the question? is what I say and who I am real????
You all know you are in real trouble if I am, sorry I do have a wicked sense of humor.

Everyone may like to think I'm nuts

But you have to admit I do put on a good show, and however badly I go down in flames....I do it in Grand Style

You get you dollars $ worth with Maelstroms life Opera.
Here is the coming menu
Is a Super Winter coming?

Why the odds on a attempt to murder God are now raised to 100%
Why odds of Maelstrom winning against the nuclear disarmament push to protect the Sky Beast are now 100%
And a question why is Maelstrom puzzled by the Meteor over Cypress?
That should make some hair stand on end around the world for a bit.

Who am I kidding I know I have eye balls glued to me in every major Government and physics center. You all are combing my words like a bunch of vultures with a fine tooth comb for anything of value to take from me.
Sigh! maybe I will end up the almost richest ever, beggar and sage born....but I still own the worlds eye balls for awhile.
I know perfectly well there are enough of you out there who verified my work and claims for me to be scaring the hair white on some very powerful people.
You all know I am not finished yet....God picked well I still have more Horrors to unveil....that is what I do best rip the veil of life in two from the top to bottom.
I am too horribly entertaining to look away from

That is the question? is what I say and who I am real????
You all know you are in real trouble if I am, sorry I do have a wicked sense of humor.