You don't need to sacrifice anything else for divine favor Mael. The angels always have a plan, but don't always inform you about it.
Thank you
kestrel ,you have always been very kind to me, I hope God looks after you.
I am quiet ill with strep most likely....that is why I have been more quiet.
I did not know it was election day in Russia....it changes nothing however, I am very unhappy with the current direction the Russian government is going.
I hope some people prayed for Russia to keep religious freedom today.
However Russian Christians please do not lose heart if we lose this battle, the men of God who still love Gods words enough to try to follow his 10 commandments, they have always tended to thrive better under some persecution.
If you wish to blame me for this suffering you may....I accept it....I did not think things would go this bad. It was hard for me to imagine Russia would try to replay the same dark, hard, evil old game,...that led to so much suffering.
But I guess only the people on the bottom suffered.
I asked any divine actions against people hunting me be lifted at 9:30 pm last night. I am too soft hearted to hurt anyone I guess. I do not control what God sees fit to do however, that includes Russia.
I am in my own fix, not enough faith, or strength I fear,....us aspies we make better Merlins, than King Arthur Hero's. The stress of the last 4? years, and all the bad men swirling around me, friends and loved ones turning on me, was too much.
I may have asked God for something stupid....like maybe to go home early, the night before I got this strep.....sorry! I am human....I have feelings and a heart just like everyone else!
Not very many happy moments for me since this nightmare started, years of darkness and fear!
I am not a Bible thumper, this stuff is very real to me.
I did my best maybe it was all wrong, but this is me, sorry!