tree ,you ask if I think the news tags I get are real? Google just tagged me with a update on a Blue origin rocket chart story I tend to re-look at. I said Virgin Galactic was a little light on the rocket they slammed up a statement saying Virgin Galactic was up grading their rocket abilities. Is this a news person playing with me? I don't know
tree ,? but Virgin Galactic could just as easily have payed the news person to write that in to impress me...which is the truth? I do not know but matching updates seem come close on the heels of my posts.
Space X went all out on the Mars thing after I said his Mars launch rocket numbers looked a little sweet. I will grant he had more than I thought he had waiting in the wings.
It was much much more than this when I was a regular RT Russian news which is government run....I got matching post tags in one day once I think...some were bits rammed right into story titles that didn't even match the stories. Do I know if it was just Russian news boys playing with me no....I do know the Russians knew about me prior to that because of a Mongolian email fight with my brother over my nuclear work. Mongolia is heavily linked to the Russian government...I have more story on that bit.

Sigh! see my first Nobel prize has been likely snapped up I don't know if losses of my work account for it, but I tire of this game....enough!
You los Alamos boys can leave off I don't care if you believe I am real or not anymore....yes you can assume I am fake because I do so little hours of nuclear research...but you may wish to note just how badly I ripped through your walls with that small amount. I can pick you clean down to your underwear any time I feel like it...I am just arogent and bored with you all....and not sure you are worth the bother.
I am not convinced your government is even capable of treating me right if it wanted my incentive level is very low considering how badly things have already gone for me with you all.
You really aren't correct if you think I am trying to hook you are mostly just getting the barbs in Bull

....I am the Matador dancing in with the sword of divine justice.
I think I have your Holy Grail Nuclear Bomb....the one you searched for for years and years....and you can't have it. Ha! ha! go throw some rocks a NASA and Air Force it is their fault.
Speaking on news story tags
tree , there is a hillarious huge story up from NASA detailing just how little they like and work with the DOD and Air Force....obviously written for me as I likely the only person the planet who cares about that. It likely shows NASA is starting to realize they may lose some real jobs and money on me. Maybe they should have considered that when I asked them to investigate the theft of my work by one of their people. I am not dumb of course I noticed the huge jump in NASA Air Force cooperation right after that, I also noticed the propaganda put out by NASA for Air Force against me, bad move! I didn't tag NASA just for the first theft, he no longer works for you, and hates you I think? I tagged you for selling me out again for a cut of Air Forces program. I am not going to soon forget that...the propaganda against me was strike 3.

. I really don't like you NASA boys very much, you gut me every chance you get, you drew first blood against me more than once, you are all criminals in my book.
The river under the bridge runs red with my blood from You NASA and Air Force boys...same with whoever bought my work. You have had years to fix this, now that you finally realize just how much money you lost by not landing me you want to play nice? I am not impressed....everyone is losing rivers of money for working me over....Israel lost easily more than a years GDP of the US.
Go ahead and pretend I'm Bogus....I know you all smell your losses....lost R&D years, and lost massive defense contracts....some of that money can never be recovered....its your turn to bleed!
I am tired, worn out, and ill, and unsure if any of you are nice enough to go near.

I will decide your fate with Gods help another day!.....I am not in the mood to show anything more...I showed you enough!
P.S. I can easily prove I am first on the Disjuction field stuff that means Boeing or whoever took it can be back sued for Billions by whoever backs me...Ha! ha!

If any of you 3 really want me to moderate my position just walk down to the FBI office and sell my nemesis out....I'm pretty sure hacking someone to steal a billion dollar defense contract...that almost caused a nuclear war and a massive nuclear weapons loss for America qualifies as serious crime.
You stand to lose some serous money and jobs if you don't.
Suit your selves!
I still hold the high ground and the high cards.