Maybe Tree is right and I should be more careful with my tone and what I say, this thread is aimed primarily at a Defense Mafia that is currently dominant in Washington and has caused me considerable damage.
Everything up until now has been aimed at getting them to repent and make right, or bring pressure against them through others on the justice front.
2 years of dire threats have brought no change, and no help from anyone, even tho it is obvious I can gut their entire Dark Space program, and their nuclear program as well with a wave of my hand. And my stuff totally separate from theirs not derived from theirs, and any additional sources well with in the public domain. My ability to breach the walls of Los Alamos, with out hacking, or breaking the law, is a testament to my autistic abilities.
I am virtually immune to legal counter attack, I even have the high ground on patent law against Boeing or who ever stole my work and sold it to Air Force.
I have dropped all hostile leanings against the US defense department, and cut any contact on the military side with unfriendly governments....the current thing with Russian is none military, just a artifact Putin treasures.
So there is no legal justification for droning me at the border....and you have no reason to object to any deal with friendly NATO Allies as you the US government has done ZERO to maintain any active interest in my work. You are in Full Breach of Maintaining National Interest in my Nuclear Work which means under the Law you lose all claims on censorship or control of it or me....I looked the Law up I am correct.
A poor move on your side if I may say wanted the hostile take down too much, and now I slip through your fingers forever.
The attached religious stuff is correct to the best of my knowledge, and more deadly than my nuclear work, but it is what it is. I understand most people do not have the foresight to see what I see, and I do not know the real (whole time line) on that stuff either.
I am a wide, long term thinker, I work all the angles all the way down the line ,it doesn't make a great deal of difference to me if I wipe out evil men I am fighting my self, by a proxy country somehow, or by pulling Gods Holy armies down on their heads....if my hand guided the event somehow, (with Gods blessing), I call it a win.
There are endless ways to win a fight when the battle is fought in hearts and minds as much as with force. A arrow in the right mans heart can come back years later to destroy a evil empire.
And I still get to watch you bad men who misused me die from the walls of New will not find your plight very funny.
The days of making God a fairy tail are over I have nearly any proof you may want, and may soon one day have hard, real world proof, as well.
I am lifting my hand like Moses and parting the waters for the Later Rain let good separate from evil and evil from good...the Fire of the Holy Spirit comes soon I think?
I am not a Saint, just someone trying to do the best with what I was given for God in the unique moment of time I was placed in...hopefully I helped some?
My nuclear sub-Atomic system is confirmed as far as I can tell, you all can argue it is too crude to take seriously, if you wish? I do reach deep enough to get very accurate structures and movement laws however, and I swear the Leviathan is real and very deadly and totally new as far as I can see. I do not believe the Energy department ever had that one before me, and may still not have it either. And its power level along with other new things I have should be quite horribly high. The sword of the Lord is also quite real, a version may be already built I have ways of jacking its power levels up many many is a true horror on its own.
I am tired of writing about this stuff....the point of it was to bring some good change, but everyone is too scared, or evil to do anything positive it seems.
You will find out eventually I really did tell the truth on ordering my options from most benevolent to least, Appearances can be deceiving, there are things far worse than even a small nuclear war...much much worse...but I guess seeing is believing? Sigh!
I really did try!

it is not a good thing when the Raven folds it wings and goes feels good the quiet...nice and pleasant like that perfect moment of calm just before the storm wall hits with blinding Fury!
Maelstrom: I am doing nothing

just looking for a quiet way to feed some hungry people.

All I have is a handful of words what harm can that bring to the world?