Magical Pattern Auspie
I don't feel like posting I am so tired....Sigh!
I feel like sleeping forever!
Lovely Launch Origin Blue....

Sigh! So some how Putin has ended up allied that Abomination called Turkey....which launched a unprovoked genocidal war against the Heroic Kurds the only decent army in the whole region. And now Russia has helped Turkey trap the very Kurds who fought bravely day after day against ISIS for months while hardly anyone helped them. They are surrounded and cut off by a pincer action in North West Alepo and will likely be wiped out.
Putin you should be ashamed of your have ruined my efforts to save the poor women being abused down there, for a stupid pipe line you likely wont even get. I am very disappointed in you, I have kind heart but you drive me to despair, I had hoped you were better than this. I will plead with God against you, I am sorry but what choice do you leave me....I guess you will have to pray I am not good enough to get Gods ear.
I would feel more kindly towards you if you would at least give the Kurdish army safe passage east, they don't deserve this fate, they are not like the others.
And you are not so clever Putin....making a pipe line deal with a crazy genocidal backstabbing extortion artist....have you lost you mind? You should have followed my advice, now you will get war, blood, and handful of dust. Ruin comes for you...your great dream will crumble in you hands, because you neglected fairness, justice, and Godly virtue.
You Saudis I remove my protection from you, you keep arming evil people, the least you could do is confine your arms to the Kurds. These others are Mad Dogs they change flags everyother day and rob and rape their way from city to city, they are a abomination in Gods eyes. I agree Assads government has committed many sins, but he has to fight, your officials said they would line up all his people and execute them if you win. And many are Christians...people in your government said you would execute all the Christians if you win.
I will not lift a finger to help you in the future if things continue this way....I will let the whole world die... and leave its souls in Gods hands.
I am giving the last call for is that simple...and I am not wrong...this is deadly serious. Change course soon or we will all face Gods Holy Armies soon. And they are not fairy tails, they are real blood and iron. I have reached into heavens armories my self, I am living proof Gods Armies live and breath and are Deadly as all Hell.
And what are all you stupid people fighting over anyways, do any of you think you can keep a oil or gas pipe line running in all this war and chaos? Do you have any idea how expensive it would be to defend a pipe line that long. You would need a small army, to man armored battle towers, every hundred yards, for endless miles....what are you thinking? this is madness!
Just go make some tankers and be done with it...there is no prize left here worth fighting for.
Same for you Americans so you defeat Assad and then you watch the great are you going to feel good, about adding more genocide and suffering to your list? How many people need die and suffer for will get nothing from any of this either.
Go help the Kurds finish ISIS and dust your shoes off and leave...the middle east is a mouth to Hell, Lucifer's play ground...a pool of pure evil...I see very few true men of God there, Sadly!
Perhaps there are a few hide trembling in corners here and there...may God watch over you tenderly, whatever church, or faith you be!
I have prayed for Angels to march before you brave Kurds we are not the same faith but I feel somehow you serve God by holding the door open bravely for the last men of God to escape the Horror of Lucifer's armies ravaging the countryside.
Maybe it would be a kindness to just go ahead and nuke the ISIS strong holds...Sigh!
The level of suffering and degradation is so may be more merciful to the poor women...God may help them!
I find the Horrors going on too much even to think can such evil people even born? Something is terribly wrong with Islam to even make such cruel have a error eating the heart of goodness out of your need to find a way to change!
This is not the will of God, this is not his will you receive God mercy if you show none?
I am very sad, my heart so much suffering!

Lovely Launch Origin Blue....

Sigh! So some how Putin has ended up allied that Abomination called Turkey....which launched a unprovoked genocidal war against the Heroic Kurds the only decent army in the whole region. And now Russia has helped Turkey trap the very Kurds who fought bravely day after day against ISIS for months while hardly anyone helped them. They are surrounded and cut off by a pincer action in North West Alepo and will likely be wiped out.
Putin you should be ashamed of your have ruined my efforts to save the poor women being abused down there, for a stupid pipe line you likely wont even get. I am very disappointed in you, I have kind heart but you drive me to despair, I had hoped you were better than this. I will plead with God against you, I am sorry but what choice do you leave me....I guess you will have to pray I am not good enough to get Gods ear.
I would feel more kindly towards you if you would at least give the Kurdish army safe passage east, they don't deserve this fate, they are not like the others.
And you are not so clever Putin....making a pipe line deal with a crazy genocidal backstabbing extortion artist....have you lost you mind? You should have followed my advice, now you will get war, blood, and handful of dust. Ruin comes for you...your great dream will crumble in you hands, because you neglected fairness, justice, and Godly virtue.
You Saudis I remove my protection from you, you keep arming evil people, the least you could do is confine your arms to the Kurds. These others are Mad Dogs they change flags everyother day and rob and rape their way from city to city, they are a abomination in Gods eyes. I agree Assads government has committed many sins, but he has to fight, your officials said they would line up all his people and execute them if you win. And many are Christians...people in your government said you would execute all the Christians if you win.
I will not lift a finger to help you in the future if things continue this way....I will let the whole world die... and leave its souls in Gods hands.
I am giving the last call for is that simple...and I am not wrong...this is deadly serious. Change course soon or we will all face Gods Holy Armies soon. And they are not fairy tails, they are real blood and iron. I have reached into heavens armories my self, I am living proof Gods Armies live and breath and are Deadly as all Hell.
And what are all you stupid people fighting over anyways, do any of you think you can keep a oil or gas pipe line running in all this war and chaos? Do you have any idea how expensive it would be to defend a pipe line that long. You would need a small army, to man armored battle towers, every hundred yards, for endless miles....what are you thinking? this is madness!
Just go make some tankers and be done with it...there is no prize left here worth fighting for.
Same for you Americans so you defeat Assad and then you watch the great are you going to feel good, about adding more genocide and suffering to your list? How many people need die and suffer for will get nothing from any of this either.
Go help the Kurds finish ISIS and dust your shoes off and leave...the middle east is a mouth to Hell, Lucifer's play ground...a pool of pure evil...I see very few true men of God there, Sadly!

Perhaps there are a few hide trembling in corners here and there...may God watch over you tenderly, whatever church, or faith you be!
I have prayed for Angels to march before you brave Kurds we are not the same faith but I feel somehow you serve God by holding the door open bravely for the last men of God to escape the Horror of Lucifer's armies ravaging the countryside.
Maybe it would be a kindness to just go ahead and nuke the ISIS strong holds...Sigh!

I find the Horrors going on too much even to think can such evil people even born? Something is terribly wrong with Islam to even make such cruel have a error eating the heart of goodness out of your need to find a way to change!
This is not the will of God, this is not his will you receive God mercy if you show none?

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