I removed some posts showing a flash of my true nuclear power, I have decided it is done....there is nothing left....evil has swept the board clean before me.
I have no one left to flee to....there is no hope left...and there seems to be no time left either.
Unless God performs a miracle for me....it is finished!
I could explain more but I see little point in it....I wanted Germany really really bad I went against dream after dream for her. I had a little Catholic aspie girl down there I liked to bits and pieces and I really thought Germans would love my Christian Zeplin dream....it was a lovely ending for their country. Germany would get one last chance to do something really wonderful for God before the end.
But the little Catholic girl rejected my courting her....and the last two dreams warning me on the German path were most severe. One seems to have already come to pass if it is correct I also know who sent my Assassin. I don't know why he didn't kill me, I'm pretty sure I looked him strait in the eyes, sitting on the other side of his lady driver...I saw her following me in town before.
I did not miss your Pope meeting with Hawking....it looks really bad...I hope it is a impending death conversion by Hawking....the Pope consorting with evil is not good.
I will try not to say anything more on Hawking even tho I know he and all his friends will likely pick me clean and take credit for all my work leaving me with nothing. Still he has had a hard life, he has suffered, suffering I understand, I will let God sort him and his friends.
My earlier warning to the Pope was sincere, the wedding dream was one of my most powerful dreams. The Catholic church is surely Doomed if it opens it doors too much to evil to get new churches, groups, or religions to join it.
I took your Popes advice and returned to my pacifist roots because I saw Godly merit in his advice, taking my advice would have saved your church from much evil.
I also gave you Catholics a great gift I released you from the last blame for the Beast, but I can not save your church from its self.
The temptation for money and power will surely destroy your church leaders at the end. But the Catholic Faithful can live on, and cling to the Holy word and God in the coming times of trouble....just do your best that is all I wish!
Just do your best and lean on God and the Holy Word.
The same advice goes for everyone else out there, Muslims, Jews, Protestants, Pagans and who ever, be kind, be honest, be fair, find God as best as you can where ever you are however hard it is for you.
Time draws short the Nightmare however many years are left will be over soon enough!
What is left to say?
Try to follow the 10 commandments, all of them, they are good natural and Divine Laws...and more importantly...are blessing for us all.
They have not changed, no Man can change God, and likely billion planets out there in the dark twinkling night of the Holy Empire get up on the same day every week, the 7th day, to commune with God.
How could any pitiful man change that here on little earth?
The Pope is just a man in a nice robe, nothing more, he can not even save his own soul, only God has that power.
I have one more thing to say to you Catholics, I have seen the one you call Mary twice in dreams crackling with unholy power. Her second dream to me never came true, God never fails, two more similar dreams I had with the crackling power in one I saw Lucifer's true face, the other was clearly a demon.
Do not have anything to do with any Mary visions, they are Lucifer himself, I have seen it, I swear on the Holy word that I believe this to be true...visions of Mary herald Evil.
Do not partake in any speaking with the dead either, you will be damned if you do...the dead rest waiting for the Messiah, these are demons.
Have no part in this un-Holy abomination at all...stay as far from this as you can...any Priests or Nuns who partake in this evil should be shunned as long as they do this, they are not of God.
I should say many more things but my soul is tired, my heart is not in it any more, I know what comes and I am very very sad.
I seem to have lost everything...but I maybe helped save thousands of poor suffering Women in Iraq and Syria. Perhaps God will smile on me for that a little?
And What of you poor little Israel??? you are the only one God said had potential, flowers of acid, but good roots of God...are you ready yet?
How long do I need to wait for you?
The sands of time run fast through my fingers...my dreams fall before the black evil tide like flies...do not wait too long to re-find your Messiah.
I would still help you before the end a little if possible?
Am I not like you? I burn everyone I touch too!

I feel I failed everyone.... Maelstrom