Magical Pattern Auspie
Sigh! another dream I knew it was coming this time before I even went to sleep.
I am tired and discouraged....I am not sure I did anything right?
Perhaps I should apologize for leaning on Israel and the Pope so hard?
I understand the Popes view....saying God is kind and overlooks error is somewhat true.
And I can understand the Jews being unwilling to endanger the heart of their family culture that held them together all these centuries so well.
But I see things others miss....there is a basic pattern in the Bible when God does more miracles and shows himself....I'm pretty sure Lucifer is arguing in the Heavenly council for the same rights...and getting them!
We forget a war is being fought through us in the council of Heaven, we are pawns in a huge civil war in the Holy Empire of Zion....with many billions of souls at stake, and millions of planets fates on the line.
Revelation is clear the waters (people) will part in the end times souls will be quickened to Heaven or Darkness, Evil will be unloosed like it never has been before. Error that God may wink at now, may drag good people into Darkness forever....the smallest crack between us and God may lead to our eternal destruction.
The Anti Christ does the False prophet...I can not prove the False prophet is Muslim...But I will say this, both will look very nice, sound nice, and be loved by many!
No one following the Anti Christ, or False prophet, will believe they are bad......until it is too late?
Only those who honestly pore over the scriptures, and pray sincerely to God for guidance, will have any chance of not being swept away by tide Darkness.
The Rules I fear in end Times, are very much worse than now, this is why I speak out.
My penance for my Nuclear work is to sweep souls into Heavens gates....not my church!
Baptism is not enough!
I want souls Baptized in the Holy Spirit, and delivered to God himself in the gates of Zion....nothing less will do!
I do impossible things only!
perhaps I over reached this time?
But at least I try! Maelstrom
P.S. I choose not to comment on Trumps Nuclear program this time.
I intervened with Russia because a pentagon party I believe was generating defense contracts, (using my stolen work?), by pushing a non nuclear first strike option on Russia and maybe China.
I may get called a traitor for this....but my basic thinking was Russia's spies were too good for a real surprise strike to be pulled off.
That means the closer the non nuclear first strike defense program got to being functional.
The closer we, (the US), were to a desperation Nuclear First Strike by the Russians to stop our non nuclear first strike program from wiping their nuclear forces out.
Russia is a very big country with endless boarders to defend they have little hope of effective national self defense without their Nuclear deterrence to keep other countries from messing with them.
My basic view is the Boeing space plane program and the other 2 programs nearly got us nuked?....period!
End of story!
Hate me if you like...but I'm still in the US...and we are not glowing in the dark...are we?
The Pentagons war gamer is insane in my opinion... probably corrupt too? whoever he is?
And God has blessed me in defeating him hopefully?
Good bye Evil Sandman...
You should not have helped them take advantage of me...I hope you go to jail millions have died for your greed!
Basically I risked GTMO and death to save America from a defense corruption provoked first strike from Russia and maybe China.
If you wish to get even with me over the considered counter attack on NASA and Area 51 you...may? ...but it never actually happened....just like I considered making Tostadas the other night to eat...but never actually got around to doing it either.
Just words in the teach a hard lesson!
I have no clue what I will do in the near future!
Mael Exits stage right for a time.....
I am tired and discouraged....I am not sure I did anything right?
Perhaps I should apologize for leaning on Israel and the Pope so hard?
I understand the Popes view....saying God is kind and overlooks error is somewhat true.
And I can understand the Jews being unwilling to endanger the heart of their family culture that held them together all these centuries so well.
But I see things others miss....there is a basic pattern in the Bible when God does more miracles and shows himself....I'm pretty sure Lucifer is arguing in the Heavenly council for the same rights...and getting them!

We forget a war is being fought through us in the council of Heaven, we are pawns in a huge civil war in the Holy Empire of Zion....with many billions of souls at stake, and millions of planets fates on the line.
Revelation is clear the waters (people) will part in the end times souls will be quickened to Heaven or Darkness, Evil will be unloosed like it never has been before. Error that God may wink at now, may drag good people into Darkness forever....the smallest crack between us and God may lead to our eternal destruction.
The Anti Christ does the False prophet...I can not prove the False prophet is Muslim...But I will say this, both will look very nice, sound nice, and be loved by many!
No one following the Anti Christ, or False prophet, will believe they are bad......until it is too late?
Only those who honestly pore over the scriptures, and pray sincerely to God for guidance, will have any chance of not being swept away by tide Darkness.
The Rules I fear in end Times, are very much worse than now, this is why I speak out.
My penance for my Nuclear work is to sweep souls into Heavens gates....not my church!
Baptism is not enough!
I want souls Baptized in the Holy Spirit, and delivered to God himself in the gates of Zion....nothing less will do!
I do impossible things only!
perhaps I over reached this time?
But at least I try! Maelstrom

P.S. I choose not to comment on Trumps Nuclear program this time.
I intervened with Russia because a pentagon party I believe was generating defense contracts, (using my stolen work?), by pushing a non nuclear first strike option on Russia and maybe China.
I may get called a traitor for this....but my basic thinking was Russia's spies were too good for a real surprise strike to be pulled off.
That means the closer the non nuclear first strike defense program got to being functional.
The closer we, (the US), were to a desperation Nuclear First Strike by the Russians to stop our non nuclear first strike program from wiping their nuclear forces out.
Russia is a very big country with endless boarders to defend they have little hope of effective national self defense without their Nuclear deterrence to keep other countries from messing with them.
My basic view is the Boeing space plane program and the other 2 programs nearly got us nuked?....period!
End of story!
Hate me if you like...but I'm still in the US...and we are not glowing in the dark...are we?
The Pentagons war gamer is insane in my opinion... probably corrupt too? whoever he is?
And God has blessed me in defeating him hopefully?
Good bye Evil Sandman...
You should not have helped them take advantage of me...I hope you go to jail millions have died for your greed!
Basically I risked GTMO and death to save America from a defense corruption provoked first strike from Russia and maybe China.
If you wish to get even with me over the considered counter attack on NASA and Area 51 you...may? ...but it never actually happened....just like I considered making Tostadas the other night to eat...but never actually got around to doing it either.

Just words in the teach a hard lesson!
I have no clue what I will do in the near future!
Mael Exits stage right for a time.....

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