Magical Pattern Auspie
Google news stories
Vesuvius's big brother is starting to
wake, say scientists
I am aware of the Biblical implications of Vesuvius's coming to life....
I am trying not to over do the Bible thing too much.
NASA's chief scientist departs
The NASA carnage has sympathies to the defeated...I would have preferred you had just helped me.
Earth scientists are freaking out. NASA urges calm.
I approve of NASA's new direction, I do in principle believe in funding Hard science and Space flight.
China wants to rival NASA with mission to Mars
China does build nice things...they do good work.
So I have some good news for once!
So I was reading Isaiah on a random whim before going to sleep last night. If you look closely Isaiah 13: 6-13 is not on Babylon but actually the siege of earth by Zions Space Warships at the second is very interesting.
*see the Wail for the (*Day of the Lord is near...marker)
This is how you find hidden End Time prophecies...these *End Time or new earth.. markers, some are harder to spot than others.
Another one comes in Chapter 14 of Isaiah verses 3-21 (3*On the day of the Lord...marker) talks about Lucifers humiliation and defeat.
Okay now I get to the important bit that concerns Space X
Isaiah 24:1-23 The Lords destruction of earth. 18 to 23 are pretty grim and match my Zero Mas Field mayhem caused by moving a planet or moon in close or both.
But verse 21 and 22 are what interest me.
21 In that day the Lord will punish (the powers in the heavens above
22 And they will be herded together like prisoners bound in a dungeon.
There are 2? or 3? readings (the powers in the heavens above), could be?
A: Lucifer and his angels...but it seems to me they are stuck down on earth already now, with us basically?
B: There are other planets fallen in the Holy Empire which are defeated and driven towards earth?
Not much Bible to support this that I know of Yet! and Ellen White doesn't lean this way much either?
C: Earth is allowed a short period of True Space Flight...meaning Mars and the Moon may be colonized some before the End.
Which will make Space X very happy.
It Also may mean God will move to hold the 4 winds back briefly even tho Armageddon is almost ready to start.
So Earth gets a small window for the Later Rain and such to be finished?
So maybe so cool space stuff still comes...but still don't know if the civilian side is permitted or not by the Sky may wish to blind eyes and pig rich space mining rights to its self...sharing may not happen?
I have a item in a Holy? dream that backs 2 years of true space flight? maybe?
That is all I have for now, best wishes: Maelstrom
My prayers for those fighting and suffering under ISIS may Angels aid you in your hour of need.
Vesuvius's big brother is starting to
wake, say scientists
I am aware of the Biblical implications of Vesuvius's coming to life....

NASA's chief scientist departs
The NASA carnage has sympathies to the defeated...I would have preferred you had just helped me.
Earth scientists are freaking out. NASA urges calm.
I approve of NASA's new direction, I do in principle believe in funding Hard science and Space flight.
China wants to rival NASA with mission to Mars
China does build nice things...they do good work.
So I have some good news for once!

So I was reading Isaiah on a random whim before going to sleep last night. If you look closely Isaiah 13: 6-13 is not on Babylon but actually the siege of earth by Zions Space Warships at the second is very interesting.
*see the Wail for the (*Day of the Lord is near...marker)
This is how you find hidden End Time prophecies...these *End Time or new earth.. markers, some are harder to spot than others.
Another one comes in Chapter 14 of Isaiah verses 3-21 (3*On the day of the Lord...marker) talks about Lucifers humiliation and defeat.
Okay now I get to the important bit that concerns Space X
Isaiah 24:1-23 The Lords destruction of earth. 18 to 23 are pretty grim and match my Zero Mas Field mayhem caused by moving a planet or moon in close or both.

But verse 21 and 22 are what interest me.
21 In that day the Lord will punish (the powers in the heavens above
22 And they will be herded together like prisoners bound in a dungeon.
There are 2? or 3? readings (the powers in the heavens above), could be?
A: Lucifer and his angels...but it seems to me they are stuck down on earth already now, with us basically?

B: There are other planets fallen in the Holy Empire which are defeated and driven towards earth?

C: Earth is allowed a short period of True Space Flight...meaning Mars and the Moon may be colonized some before the End.
Which will make Space X very happy.
It Also may mean God will move to hold the 4 winds back briefly even tho Armageddon is almost ready to start.
So Earth gets a small window for the Later Rain and such to be finished?

So maybe so cool space stuff still comes...but still don't know if the civilian side is permitted or not by the Sky may wish to blind eyes and pig rich space mining rights to its self...sharing may not happen?

I have a item in a Holy? dream that backs 2 years of true space flight? maybe?

That is all I have for now, best wishes: Maelstrom

My prayers for those fighting and suffering under ISIS may Angels aid you in your hour of need.
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