US scientists officially declare 2016 the hottest year on record. That makes three in a row.
Earth Sets a Temperature Record for the Third Straight Year
My personal opinion is your news stories are lies, and your temp records are pure fiction... and God is kicking your collective asses with Mother nature..

Give it up and run...

O-O Jail time is no fun!
I waited half the summer for my first

sandwich. We are buried in
here snow, roofs are breaking all over the place, and this is high desert

I have seen winters .here were the dirt never got wet. We are struggling to keep the pipes from freezing record low temps.
And you Global Warming guys swore for years that cooling earth off would bring more snow and rain...the snow

here is already almost 3 feet deep and falling right now as I write....record cold, snow, and flooding in many places. world wide go check out Israel.
How do I put this politely you Global Warming Fraud science Mafia'osos need to do some jail time.
I think America needs to see a 100,000 Lying crooks marching off crying to Jail...that would be a good start to fixing America.
It is a sorry day when American news has as many lies in it as the old Evil Soviet Union Empires news did...?
How did we forget God so much to become this unGodly travesty?
News writers now openly brag about the coming death of Christianity in America ....what do you think comes with that

cookies and milk? Look around our economy is rapidly shrinking with all the corruption eating its heart out. Tell me how wonderful it is to be rid of Christians when you have no job, and you are being chased down the street by a mob of rioters with Machetes.
And yes they always take your guns away when you need them the most...that is government for you...
High taxes, unemployment, bread lines, and riots, that is what a country with no God is like...if you don't believe me open a history book, read a news paper, watch the news...proof I'm correct is everywhere in this world.
No God = s 1% of Natural possible GDP, and no safety for the little people in life.


Criminals, killers, Thieves, name if it is bad

you get it!
And it all starts with a few harmless lies and forgetting God and virtue.
Shall we vote on Americas new name? We could be the New Republic of Soviet Lies, or the New Republic of Hattian poverty and crime? How about the Northern Ivory coast with hand chopping contests? Or North Cuba the land of no fat people?!
there is no cute way to escape what I say, Natural Human Laws are slow but they always produce the same result in the end!
You can not escape Natural Law!
Toss them all in Jail Trump if you look hard enough you can find crimes to charge them all with...they are in my Personal Opinion professional thieves and liars. The Big Bang! physicists are doing the same stuff in my opinion too.. Grant fraud, fake research papers, bad data harming the energy done up to hurt Christians.
By the way using federal funds for religious Humanist propaganda is illegal by their own rules...
on separation of Church and state.
Time to clean Americas house!...
..........pray for Angels to help rescue the ISIS slave girls and pray for help for the Nigerian school girls too!
If we don't try to care for such little innocents how can we stand before God?
What we do should be based on the good it brings to our world.