Today I will make one last Heroic effort to save Putin and Russia from Darkness.
When I almost defected to Russia in frustration over the crimes being committed against me by the Defense department. I made a basic calculation, I could see that the thing Putin wanted most was a legacy of having restored Russia to a prosperous powerful unified country again. Being a Empathic Pattern Savant and blessed by God I knew I could give him a double measure of everything he wished and more.
That was the basic bargain we were working out online....Putin got is Glorious Russia Legacy, and I got to breath a warm, cleansing, Godly wind, through Russia bringing Justice, prosperity, happiness, and salvation, though her massive lands.
But God said no most decisively to me, I was quite upset at the time with God...but he was wise. Not long after my second attempt to defect was stopped directly by God, I was reading Russian news and my Pattern Empath thing went crazy ....I caught the smell of a hardline Stalinist faction making yet another veiled threat to not only finish me off, but maybe kill Putin too? I had a massive Empath Pattern hit on it, I lit up on it like a Christmas is a magical thing I can do...and is very rarely is wrong.
So I warned Putin he was in danger, and gave up on coming to Russia...without Gods blessing to go, I was a dead man.
I know you Russian Reformers never understood the Deadly game I played to save the Russian people from poverty, suffering, and darkness. But I always intended to throw my entire heart and soul into making things better for you. I feel very bad the Old Guard Atheists in Russia cared more about their petty positions of power, and squeezing poor Russians under them to fill their plates with caviar, more than for having a new wealthy, happy, safe Russia for her peoples. But that is how it is with Evil selfish people, who only see taking from others by force, as their path to happiness.
So how to save Russia?
Putin is going to die one of these days at the hands of his own wolves....he barely escaped last time...he has only one option left to save himself and his family. He must move over to the reform side to survive and save his family from his wolf pack government.
But you reformers hate him...and maybe so with good cause?
But what to do?
You Reformers are losing ground to these brutal cold hearted Oldschool Soviets...they are are going to suffer endlessly when they replace Putin.
You have 3 options to save Russia from returning to a cruel impoverished slave Empire.
1. All you reformers who wish for a better future for Russia can Unify and ask all of Russia to do days of prayer. And you can send a delegation to Putin, and offer to work out a amnesty agreement for him and his family, and some friends, if he will help you replace the Old Evil Hardline Atheist Stalinists in the departments controlling the Military, Justice, police and any other important departments with your people....he may accept? as he knows I speak the truth.
2. If this Fails, or the Soviet Thugs overthrow you can all go buy new easy to read Russian Bibles, (my church has some), and prepare you and your families souls for heaven. After Calling for a Nation wide week of prayer, all you Russians who love God, and wish for a better future, can put on your best clothes, put flowers in your hair, gather your wives and children, and Bibles, and march slowly, and peacefully, singing songs of great columns towards all the Army bases.
And you can sing, and plead, with your Army Brothers and sisters to help restore a free Godly government to Russia.
My heart is too! tender to recommend this option...even tho it likely will work...because one evil base Commander can lay too many bloodied Flowered Saints, of the best of in Russia's people in their graves. I am not sure I can bear to see such a sad thing.
3. This option looks weak but it is not, and it is a good option. All you Reformers can set up the Divine Hanseatic trading post league I planned to bring to the Russian east. And you can start a underground railroad funneling Godly people out into the countryside. You can help train them to set up farms build shipping, and sales groups, to protect your farmers from the extortion Mafias. And in time as your numbers grow you can take over local policing, and governments, and chase out most of the evil people from your rural counties and states.
It is not a wonderful looking option but will protect your peoples from some of the government abuse and extortion going on, and your children grow up in a safe and Godly country environment.
This last option looks weakest, but will change the heart of Russia better for God the most, over the long term.
sends his Best wishes to Russia...may God bless and guide you people to a safe harbor!
Good luck Russia!