The Holy Father has blessed me endlessly the last dream of the Astronaut opened my eyes, and gave my persecutors over to me most likely.
It appears my posting here is heavily compromised by large scale NASA censorship screen....
It may be mostly pointless for me to post any further, as I have no way of knowing if much of anything is getting out to the general public.
My best wishes to whoever really sees me and are friendly

. May the Holy Father reward the rest according to your deeds.
So my door is now open to NASA and all US space companies, and any major US corporations who want to try for a piece, of the Treasure $$$$ House Planetary core....let the Space Gold Rush begin.
Non exclusive access to my Zero Mass drive work is now offered with most associated weaponry and whatever is needed to do space mining. At a minimal price, and terms, with a low cost payment plan if needed...I hear you are hurting a little Space X.

I am sorry!
Nuclear manufacturing of high tech. components is required...sorry!

you will have to buy, or build some fancy particle stuff!...not as big as CERN tho smaller much less expensive I hope?
A optional (non exclusive) low cost offering of a Sky Beast killer Nuclear design, level 1?, is available with this deal...US security clearance required.
You may have to fight them for your mining rights!

You may contact me as soon as you wish?
I have dropped the time delay.
I do not do business on Saturdays before sunset, or Fridays after sunset...sorry!
Security checks will be done somehow!
My sub-atomic code, and High level nukes are not available in the US presently. I do not know if they ever will be the way things are going?

My funding source is off the table indefinitely.
The March 31 deadline is for the DOD, Boeing?, and Air force only now.
And if you all take government deals against me you are the stupidest bunch of low I.Q. losers ever?

They do not have enough money in the entire country to cover the percentage you will lose just off the treasure planetary core in the Mars asteroid belt.
Try not to mess this up....remember what happened to Long John Silvers men who helped bury the treasure....they will not share with you.
Unify against me,

and you all get government crumbs

and fear

for the rest of your miserable lives... however long?, or short?, they end up being.

good luck!
You can easily colonize our entire solar system with this deal I offer...low cost space tourism will come with it too!