Yeah! I know you think this is a a big joke

....and you didn't read all my posts carefully did you? the ex-girlfriend with the NASA robotics dad from Huston is real, so is the government yanking the fireball meteor charts on me online showing a huge sustained continuous spike in large deep atmosphere penetrating fireball meteors in the months following my second ill advised paper.
Do you have any idea what was in that paper?.. did you think it was some incoherent ramblings from a guy in a tinfoil hat? No! it had brief but very precise paint by number instructions on how to build a dis-juction field level 1 and 2 battleship, one of the most deadly weapons that mankind may ever build. I don't mean vague instructions either, I told them which machines to drive down to FERMI and pick up, exactly how to anchor the dark energy field, how to configure the fields and engine for maximum effect, exactly how to charge the field, how much to charge the field, the exact structure of the various gravitons and which ones to use and how to get them do you understand?
They could have put a crude prototype in the air in less than 2 weeks Z.M ships don't need any areodynamic testing at all, they can be any shape, they float, no rockets needed to reach space.
And my radiation warning is real, I forbid my brother on pain of death not to hike anywhere near the down wind side area 51. My warning means extremely high ambient radiation, (lethal levels), and high risk for inhaling airborn super-enriched particles that could be lethal. And I know exactly why and what these particles are and why they may be airborn. Deadly serious on this radiation stuff, I was being perhaps overly optimistic on lifting it. Go down and dance around with a geiger counter down wind area 51 or white sands or any other major base out there in the desert, don't come crying to me if she lands while you're doing it and all your hair falls out.
That new non M.A.D. doctrine, (non Mutually Assured Destruction), is real, it is on the Air Force site go look for your self...the new space defence planes are real, they had live clips of them landing on RT and NASA not too long ago, those planes are launched with decommissioned nuclear ICBMs, and the Air Force openly states they are planing to decommission their (entire) nuclear ICBM arsenal. That means if their nuclear missile defence plan failed for any reason, we are almost naked, no counter strike to deture the Russians from finishing us off.
And last time I checked the military never shows their worst new weapon, ever, if they are showing their new anti ICBM space plane fleet already it means they have something a whole lot nastier just behind the curtain. The secretary of defence came out just after my post to publicly threaten Russia with some un-named weapon you tell me do you know of any present weapon system that is remotely capable of replacing our entire nuclear arsenal? name one?
Rail guns are multi ton copper metal blocks the size of semi trailers and need a huge heavy power plant you aren't getting those into space on a conventional rocket, and a laser capable of slicing through a warheads metal casing would require a huge amount of power plus even a little shiny chrome might make it useless. A Patriot missile would barely scratch the paint on the metal casing of a thermo nuclear warhead. Do you think it matters if a warhead is knocked of off course a little bit? Even these smaller warheads can usually take out a whole city, and even if every major target was missed the radio active fallout could kill half the country.
So you tell me if my little battleship is fiction? Tell me why is Washington decommissioning our nuclear arsenal and smacking Russia around like they think it is a little school girl? What are they hiding that made them think they were the King of the world? Tell me I'm imagining everything.
I'm putting my neck on the line to save you you think I'm sitting around eating cookies and milk here, these people are powerful...I have real heavies down here on me.
Be grateful I'm trying not to be like have no idea what a full unified nuclear code means, or just how big and deadly this game is. look around at the evil winds already blowing, this can easily turn into WWIII, if I lose, millions may die everywhere before this is over.
Your picture looks familiar....